Chapter 11

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Cass Pov


That's all I could see. It's all that I was surrounded by. After about an estimated 10 minutes of being in the car I fell into this deeper consciousness I suppose. Where I could no longer hear stiles and his sister and I couldn't feel anything.

I was now standing in the middle of nowhere. Nothing but a bleak, lifeless, dark void. And if I were to guess I'd consider this death. Only thing weird is that I was completely alone which was getting really depressing if you ask me.

Where was I?

Next thing I knew there was a blinding flash that cut all my swirling thoughts off. The intensity of the light making me cover my eyes with my arm. When I felt it was safe I reopened them looking around. Quickly realizing I wasn't in the same place anymore.

Heck, if I didn't truly believe I was dead before. I sure believed I was now considering I was standing in what would be believed to be heaven. I was literally standing on dense clouds that fogged over my feet right in front of a huge golden gate that was at least 100 feet taller than me.

Well looks like I'll have to try and find someone and see how in the hell I got here...

"Just perfect all I wanted was to have a normal day at school. That's it... That's all I wanted. But no, I just had to get yanked into a freaking closet and pass out. Now I'm here. Just fantastic, way to go Cass !" I muttered as I made my way to the gate.

Once in front of them I wasted no time in pushing on them as hard as I could only for them to not budge.
So I was left to try my second method. Pulling on them as hard as I could. I grunted in my efforts but they didn't move. So it looked like I was going to have to go with my last resort... Yelling.

"Hey.... I-Is anyone there?"


"Can anyone hear me, I need help."

Again I was meet by silence.

"I know someone has to be there. I mean why would there be a huge gate to keep people out if no one was in" I yelled through the bars but like before I was met by silence. I knew this was a waste of time but my desperation to leave fueled my foggy mind. Out of frustration I kicked the gate with as much force as I could. Which was a really bad choice because it hurt like a motherf**ker.

"Ow ow ow ooooowww." I groaned as I held my now bruising right foot while jumping on my left to keep balance. I turned around to start limping away from the gate when I heard a groaning noise. Which to me sounded a lot like heavy doors being forced opened. Turning back around I take notice that I was right the gates were fully opened.

"Oh really? You open now that I've injured myself, oh who would be so kind?"

I started moving forward before someone decided to change their mind and close the gate again. Speed walked/limped my way through the gate. I was greeted with stairs that led to a large castle.
I don't even think that would be the right word for it because it was way bigger than that, beautiful in its white marble and gold trimmings beauty.

As I made my way up the stairs all I could think was if this was real. I mean was I dreaming? To my cognitive memory I passed out. But if not, am I only mentally here or physically? It felt pretty freaking real as I grabbed the crystallized gold railing that were on the sides of the black marble stairs with gold cracks.

When I finally reached the top I was met by a beautifully crafted metallic double doors. Reaching my fist up tentatively I go to knock but right before my knuckles even touch the door it cracked opened. I jumped back in shock and fear before gathering my bearings. Stepping forward I pushed the door open more just enough space for me to slipe in.

Once fully inside the door slammed shut behind me making me jump once again... Don't look back, don't look back... it was just the wind, just the wind Cass. Who am I kidding what wind could push a big heavy metal door like that?

I look back at the doors but no one was there. Okay I'm officially spooked. All those years of being told to never go in a strangers home, yet here I am. I swallowed thickly before turning back around and examining the room before me. Which looked a lot like a throne room to me.

I had to admit the inside looked just as, if not, better than the outside. In the middle of the extremely high ceiling hung a huge blue crystal chandelier with droplets of diamonds hanging from it.
It was the centerpiece that went perfectly with the intricate designing of the room, which, looked a lot of nature theme. With detailed pictures of wolves running on the walls, showcasing them in a majestic beauty.

The room I stood in encased five doors with dark hallways or passages of sorts. While there were multiple idle bookcases and beautiful furniture pieces off to the side. At the direct opposite of the door that I walked through sat a throne that looked like a million small branches twisted into each other. They created a circle from just above where someone's head would be. In the circle were a vary of small gems all cascading down from a single branch in all different colors.

I was so caught up in staring at everything in the room that I was a little .... well okay... a lot freaked out when someone put their hand on my shoulder. Stepping forward I turned around so fast I'm surprised I didn't get whiplash. 

What I faced wasn't what I was expecting, but then again what was I really expecting?

Standing before me was the most breathtaking women I had ever laid eyes on.  She put the cutest puppies to shame, hell Victorious secret angles would be asking her for her secretes had they met her.

She had eyes that were such a deep green that it resembled shining emeralds. Her hair was a onyx black color with gold streaks and I don't mean blonde but literal gold that was bright and shining like the sun. Her hair flowed weightlessly in the nonexistent wind.

Her skin was pure perfection with not a flaw in sight and looked as soft as a marshmallow. She also had the perfect set of pink plush lips. Her features were sharp and soft at the same time which I didn't know was at all possible. And don't even get me started on her body. She had the absolute perfect hourglass figure that every women would kill for but at the same time you wouldn't consider her thick or skinny. Everything was in the right place.

Her body was adorned with a white dress with small gold crescent moon patterns. The dress hugged her perfectly and looked like a pool of the worlds softest silk. She didn't wear a hint of makeup either but I mean there wouldn't be a reason for her to, she was absolutely perfect.

She made me want to hide under a bed and stay there forever from just looking at her clearly superior beauty. Nothing could compare to her. But here in an unknown place I couldn't come off as weak. Especially when you don't know who's friend or foe. So instead of hiding I picked my jaw off the ground and squared out my shoulders looking her in the eyes.

"Who are you?"

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