Chapter 8

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Picture of lily

Cass pov

"So mind telling us what the hell that was about" Emma asked as soon as I sat back to the table.

Well let the questions begin....

"Um nothing... what are you talking about?" I tried to play it off, obviously I failed because in return I got three sets of blank stares.

"What do you mean 'what am I talking about' come on Cass that new and might I add hot guy was all over you. And let me tell you if I was in your place I would have jumped his bones right then and there" Emma said with a laugh as she swatted at her face like she was getting all hot and bothered.

Only for a low angry growl to break through our concentration making us all jump and face the new comer. Looking ready to tear someone apart Trent Emma's mate stood behind her.

"Babe you didn't even let me finish. I was going to say if I didn't already have the most handsome and perfect mate I do. Now come sit." Emma pulled her he mate down into the seat directly next to her curling into the still seemingly fuming Trent.

"Okay, well getting back on topic you do realize he was insanely hot? Moon goddess where has he been all your lonely life." Ivory added looking at the door from which he left with steeled eyes.

"He's not THAT hot" stiles added in a small voice looking down at the table frowning. (What's his problem?)

"Oh come on guys. Really?" I said ignoring stiles rolling my eyes for the hundredth time today.

"Oh we're serious Cassie!" Ivory and Emma said at the same time which was weird.

"You have to tell us everything, and before you say that nothing happen need I remind you we seen you freaking blush, him kiss your hand, and to make it worse you totally forgot what you went to do. " Emma said with way too much excitement for my taste....I almost forgot she lives for gossip.

"Yeah, Cass we wanna know. He might actually be the one you finally date. I mean hell he made CASSIA FREAKING WILSON blush!!!!" Ivory exclaimed throwing her hands in the air.

"Okay, okay just keep it down I don't want the whole student body to know. I'm already embarrassed as it is."

"Where do you want me to start?" I yet again roll my eyes. I'm starting to think that's my new favorite thing to do.

"What's his name, age, grade, where does he live,what's his height, and is he a douche bag? Because a guy with those good of looks like that has to have something wrong with him?." Stiles fired first before either Ivory or Emma could even think of a question. We all traded weird looks with each other before landing on him in question.

"Hey,  I'm just asking as a concerned friend" he said looking down again with rosy cheeks .  Emma and Ivory shared some type of knowing look that really confused the hell out of me but I chose to let it go.

"Well um. His name is Jake. I don't know his age, his grade, or where he lives. I mean I don't think a two-minute conversation could give me all of that but he looked to be about 6'2." I tried to answer the best I could.

"He's eighteen and turning nineteen next month . He lives in the pack house, he just moved here last week right before the alpha because he's the future beta. He's a senior at this school and isn't really a douche unless you mess with his food." a quiet voice answered which caused all of our heads to snap to the new girl that sat to my right that we (I) totally forgot about.

"Annnnd how would you know all of this information? Your not like a crazy stalker bitch are you?" Ivory asked a bit rudely. Hitting her arm I send her a look as means to be nice but she just sent me a blank stare back.

"I'm so sorry she didn't mean that. This is Ivory but most call her Ivy. she's very outspoken as you can tell." I try and explain Ivory's bluntness but it's kind of hard to realize she's not a super bitch to a stranger.

The girl chuckled a little then replied "Its okay and no I'm not a crazy stalker bitch he's my brother, I'm lily by the way" She smiled at me.

"Oh really? Sorry I should have noticed you guys look almost exactly alike" Ivory said and in all honesty they did. Lily had long blondish brown hair and bright green eyes, her skin was a creamy clear color..... All in all she was beautiful.

"Again sorry for her.....the filter from her brain to her mouth doesn't quite work that well. I'm Cassie by the way. The girl with the glasses across us is Emma and the quiet one she's currently sitting on top of at this point is her mate Trent. The dorkishly cute boy is Stiles ." I said introducing everyone

"Hi" she said as she followed the direction I was pointing my finger when introducing everyone, and I couldn't help notice her gaze last a little longer on stiles but of course he didn't.

"So what class do you have next hour" I asked to cut the silence that had fallen over the table.

"Um.... I have science next with Mr. Ray" she said looking at her timetables.

"Oh great me and stiles have that class next. You don't mind if we walk with you, do you?" I kicked stiles' leg under the table when he went to protest.

"Oh no I don't mind at all. Hell I would get lost without some assistance. I would love to walk with you guys if it isn't a problem." she said kind of shy.

"Great then we better get going" I said standing up and stretching.

"But why? We have like 5 minutes left?" she asked confused but still stood grabbing her bag.

"Because if we don't leave now we would get swallowed up by that huge crowd of kids. Also Mr. Rays class is all the way on the other side of campus." Stiles answered for me as he came around the table and put an arm around lily's shoulders, all the while he didn't even notice her start to blush.

Looking at them side by side they would look really cute as a couple (they could possibly even be mates) guess its my turn to play cupid.

The only thing is how am I going to make someone so clueless realize.

Important information about the story..

If your wondering how the Mate stuff works out in my book here's the answer. Pretty much you can't find or fully realize that a person is your mate until you both have shifted. Reason being because your scent won't be as strong and your wolf might not be with you or matured yet.

In Cassie's Case she is 17 and when she shifts at 18 for the first time she will be able to find her mate. In other cases for other people that I can't tell you yet they have not shifted either which is rare because most shift  at 15 and up but it still happens if you don't.

If they have not shifted yet they go through the same thing as Cassie, In this story though most people would have or are shifted by or on Senior year like Cassie will be. Other then that everything is normal with the mate process.

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