Chapter 16

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Cass POV

I freeze in place unable to come up with a plan of action or response. I mean, what was I supposed to say or act to the women that's been lying to me for 17 years of my life? Do I just let it go and move on like life's still the same?

I knew I had to think about this though. I had to thinks about what I'd do next because my heart was barely hanging onto a thread. One wrong move could possibly lead me to insanity.

Instead of answering I continued my walk up the stairs silently hoping and praying that she wouldn't follow me and that she'd just let it go. (score one for wishful dreaming.)

"How dare you walk away from me young lady" she hissed seriously pissed as she followed me up the stairs. (How dare you lie to me)

"Oh so you're not going to speak either" (nope)

"What has gotten into you today! First you go missing for hours then you come back home as if nothings happened, and are you wearing a hospital gown?!" (Yes, yes I am.)

"I was scared that someone had hurt you or even killed you. None of your friends knew where you were at, you had me worried sick." She continued to yell making my head start to pound.

My anger finally got the better of me and I stopped walking coming to a complete stand still almost making her bump into my back by how close she was to me. I put up an expressionless mask not wanting her to see the real pain I was going through mentally.

"Why? Why where you so concerned." I asked my voice cold and hollow making the women in front of me flinch back before her face grew red with anger.

"What do you mean why am I concerned... I'm your MOTHER and that's what mothers do for their children!" She shrieked. Well their goes that finale string. You my friend are about too witness me explode.  

"You know the funny thing about that is you're not even my real mom" I spoke deathly calm staring at her face. Studying as it morphed from one of anger to one of shock.

"Cassie honey what are talking about?" She tried to put a hand on my shoulder but I pushed it off forcefully making her wince in pain.

"You know good and well what the hell I'm talking about." I spoke softly trying my best to keep somewhat emotionally stable.

"Who told you" Marilynn all but whispered as she cradled her hand close to her chest.

"Who told me?" I asked incredulously as my fist tightened in extreme anger.

"So what, you weren't even going to fucking tell me!" I yelled in outrage finally letting my emotions show on my face. Letting out all the anger, hurt, and grief out as tears pooled my eyes.

"That's not what I meant. I-everything that I did, that I kept from you was only to protect you. You weren't ready for the truth." She pushed trying to reason with me.

"PROTECT ME! How in the fuck was not telling me supposed to protect me.. Do you know I could have died today because of your so called  'protecting' me!!" I screamed at her unable to control myself. The more animalistic side of me I never knew I had coming out.

I continued without letting her get a word in though. Not caring about what this women had to say.

"And you know what? While I was talking to my actual mom she told me the truth about everything that I guess I wasn't 'ready for'. And all the while I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. " I chuckled humorlessly

"That maybe you somehow didn't know about any of this and that's the reason you never told me. But when she told me that my father told you everything. As in every last detail it broke something in me." I fumed my breathing becoming heavy as I continued.

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