Chapter 21

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Cass POV

Emma and I made it into Ms. Jeffory's room just as the bell rung for class. We would've made it here earlier, if not for the assholes that couldn't grasp the concept of moving faster than 2 mph.

Taking my respective seat in the middle of Ivory and Emma, I huffed slouching down as I heard bits and pieces of Emma's repetitive 'finding a mate' rant to Ivory. 

"-But seriously can you believe her.  I mean really, she even had the nerve to ask why I'm making a big deal out of her birthday!" Emma practically shrieked to ivory, blowing out my eardrums.

I groaned rolling my eyes giving Ivory the 'I'm tired of talking about this' look in which she sported a bored look.

"I don't really understand why this is so important to you, I just want to forget about." I sighed before continuing

"I mean really, who looks forward to the hours of agonizing pain as a wolf from inside of me forcefully takes over my body.?" I muttered opening my bag looking for a pencil with my eyebrows scrunched.

"See right there Ivory, the blatant disrespect to something so beautiful and amazing as your first shift." Emma gasped out appalled.

"Oh come on Emma, are you seriously telling me that you didn't cry in agony the entire time you were shifting on your birthday?" I sassed, staring at her.

She went to speak but I cut her off already knowing what she was going to say.

"And don't you dare say no. I was there and it scarred me for life with also Ivory's and stiles' shift too" I said quickly, shivering at the memory of their pain filled screams.

"I-bu- fine you're right" Emma mumbled

"Exactly so enough with the excited birthday talk."

"No that doesn't chan-"

Slamming her hand onto the table, Ivory shot Emma and I annoyed glares.

"Look you two need to stop. It's only been five minutes into this fucking miserable class and you guys accomplished annoying me in less then 1 -new record by the way." Ivory spat annoyed turning back around in her seat to take more notes.

Emma sent us both quick glares as I sighed in relief to not have to talk about it anymore.

"Fine, I'll stop but first you have to pick who's right." Emma nodded affirmatively in determination.

Huffing annoyed Ivory and I both looked at Emma exasperated.


Emma rolled her eyes at Ivory's reply before repeating herself.
"I said, I'll stop talking about it when you decide who was right."

Ivory looked from me to Emma and back again as if weighing her options. She finally shrugged after thinking, as if she just realized she didn't care.

"Sure whatever."

Turning to face us completely she continued.
" I think that it's not so much your business on how Cassie wants to spend her birthday. As a friend you should try and accommodate to how she'd like it-"

"HA!" I laughed looking at Emma who was grumbling to herself.


"But?" My eyes widened as Ivory continued and Emma brightened instantly.

"Yes but, Emma has a point."

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