Obi-wan's Suggestion

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"Anakin, I think its time for you to get a new padawan. I can still sense your anger from when Ahsoka left. Maybe getting a new padawan will help ease your anger." Obi-wan said with concern for Anakin.
"With all due respect master, no new padawon would help. But since there are so many younglings... I may consider it." Anakin spoke thinking of Ahsoka.
"I know Anakin, but you have to let those feelings go. A Jedi most not have attachments.," Obi-wan put his hand on Anakin's shoulder, "I know its hard. I've been in the same place, but i had made the commitment to the Jedi. I put my feelings aside and did my part."
" I understand master. I just need some time. I'll let you know my decision in the morning." Anakin spoke and went off to his room to rest.
After Obi-wan spoke to Anakin, he went off and spoke to Master Yoda.
" Obi-wan, come to discuss young Skywalker, you have." Yoda stated.
"Indeed I have, master Yoda. I have suggested that Anakin should take on a new padawan, yet I feel it will not turn out well." Obi-wan said with concern.
"Done the right thing, you have. What the outcome will be, hidden it is."
"Good. Yes, I know. I don't quiet understand why it is hidden. Surely this will not be Anakin's downfall."
"His downfall, it will not be. That much is clear. Though downfall of the padawan, it may be."
"But surely Anakin is ready for this task! I have trained him myself! And he has had experience in training a youngling!"
"Ready, he is. Good, the padawan selected is not. Watched this one closely, we have. Dangerous, she is."
"Master Yoda, with all do respect, I don't understand. How is the youngly dangerous. Surely she has not already been trained."
"Strong in her, the dark side of the force is. Trained, she is not. But see her future, I do. Corrupt and dark, it is. Much pain, she will suffer."
"Oh, thats not good. I fear for Anakin though. He has greatly suffered before as well. Her darkness may have an affect on him."
"Have an affect on him, it may. We most closely watch him."
"Yes, of course master Yoda. Now if you'll excuse me, I need some rest." And with that Obi-wan was off. Obi-wan thought of Anakin all the way to his room. He greatly feared for him. Anakin could easily slip into the darkness.
Obi-wan lay down and went to sleep in his deep thoughts.

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