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I woke up to a snoring Brandon beside me. I smiled and shook my head. "big baby" I murmured under my breath.  I turned to look at the digital clock on the other side of the bed, 12:34pm.

I yawned and stretched then got up out of bed and put my hair in a messy bun. I walked to the kitchen and looked inside the pantry for some wheat bread.

Then I opened the fridge door and found two eggs, some bacon, and a box of orange juice.

I looked for a pan and then turned on the electric stove. I waited for it to heat then proceeded to put a little bit of olive oil and cracked both eggs.

I thought about scrambling them but those were the last two eggs and I was hungry ass hell. So I just decided to do them sunny side up.

Once that was done I looked for another pan and cooked the bacon on it. Meanwhile that was done I went ahead and toasted the bread.

I got two plates, washed them first cus I ain't know who house this was.

I set the table up and filled glass cups with the orange juice and set them on the table.

I went back to put the food in the plates and turned back around to take them to the table.

"Jesus!" I gasped when I saw Brandon standing there rubbing his eyes. I didn't even feel him come in.

"Why you all jumpy?" He asked clueless. "No reason" I lied.

"Quit lyin" he said.

I cleared my throat, "I'm not lying" I said nervously. He furrowed his eyebrows and I just walked to the table and sat the plates down trying to avoid the awkwardness.

He walked over and touched my hand, "I know you G"

I smacked my teeth, "I don't know who Layla is? I feel like I should know! My mind is going in circles and I just want it to stop. I dreamed about this one man telling me to take my clothes of-" I stopped mid sentence.

"You what!!?" He said.

"No I-I didn't mean to say that" I said trying to make him not ask me anymore questions. "I-I meant to say something else! See my mind isn't right?!" I said trying to get him to not ask me about that certain dream.

"Nah G he made you take ya clothes off? Who is this mudafucka?" He said. I could see the anger start to build up in his eyes.

"No I didn't mean to say that listen!"

"I'm listening you just said a dude told you to take ya clothes off bro when was this!!? Matter fact who is he?!??"

I kept quiet.

"Yo! Who is he?! Is it a dude that was around you?!!" He raised his voice slamming his hands on the table making me jump a little.

"I don't know!! I've been trying to figure that out!! Don't you get it?!?! you keep asking me these questions like I'm supposed to know where these dreams come from?!" I raised my voice.

"If only you would let me talk to my sister or Ke maybe I could answer those questions! It's been a week why are we here I'm sick and tired of being stuck inside this damn house in the middle of nowhere it's driving me crazy!!!" I raised my voice and grabbed my head.

I saw his fist loosen up. Then he just took the keys and left.

I shook my head looking down at the light brown tile. I took a seat at the table and slowly started eating my food.

Once I was done I saved his plate, put that in the fridge and began cleaning up.

Damn, I felt like a fucking maid.

After cleaning up and making my bed, not his, I went into my closet in search of something comfortable to wear.

Once I settled for a white 150 DreamTeam shirt Herb gave me, some light wash jeggings and my high top G Fazo's I went out and turned on the TV.

I channel surfed until I came across Hercules, my favorite movie on Disney channel.

What can I say im a kid at heart.


"G" I heard a voice in the distance. I slowly began to feel someone pushing me. I opened my eyes and blinked a couple times before I saw Brandon leaned over the sofa calling my name.

"G" he said once more. "Huh?" I said slowly stretching.

"Get up we gotta go" he said standing back up.

"What? Why? Where?!" I asked looking around confused "why are you packed up? You got a show or something?" I asked totally clueless as to why the luggage was sitting right in front of the door.

"We going home" he said lowly and walked towards the door.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Then got up and followed his lead.

He put everything into the truck while I got into the passenger seat.

Once we were all settled he got in and started the engine then pulled out the driveway.


I paced the room back and forth waiting for Herb to come back

A couple hours ago he got some call and he said it was important then he called me saying Bibby called him saying him and Gia were coming back.

I just hope my baby's okay.

I lost my train of thought when I heard a slight knock on the door.

"Herb!" I thought to myself as I walked swiftly to open it.

"Her-" I paused, "who are you?" I asked the guy at the door. He looked like he was homeless. He was prolly lost or sum.

"I-Is Gianna here?" He asked nervously. I looked at him for a couple seconds and realized he had a small plastic black bag in his hands.

I looked to his feet and he was bare foot with blisters on his feet, dried out blood, and dirt.

"H-how do you know her?" I asked.

Then Jen's car pulled into the driveway. She got out the car and walked up to us.

"Who's this?" She asked. Then the guy turned around.

Her eyes widen and she gasped. It's like she had seen a ghost.

"No way!!" She shook her head and put her hand over her mouth.

-Who's the guy? 👀

-Btw I think the sequel's almost ending but don't worry I'm working on something mad cool 😉

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Thanks, Rin.

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