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Gia in media with her outfit.

Fashion show night. 8:00pm.

"G are you ready?" I heard Ke ask me from her bathroom. "yea" I said putting the finishing touches on my outfit and taking a quick picture for Instagram.

As soon as I posted it I heard a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" I heard Ke scream from down the hall. I heard chatter and laughing when I came out her bedroom and into the living room.

"Damn... I mean you look beautiful" he complemented me. I felt my cheeks blush. "okay well the show starts in about 40 minutes so chop chop people" Ke clapped and walked towards the door.

We went out and into the black suburban Durk rode in. During the ride we made small conversation mainly me and him because Ke was too busy taking selfies and posting them on Instagram.

As we arrived at the fashion show there were paparazzi flashing their cameras everywhere I almost didn't want to get out the car. we came to a stop and I took a deep breath.

"You okay?" He turned around. He musta saw how pale my face was. I nodded shyly. "look, it's scary I know, but you'll be fine" he winked and rubbed my hand.

I took a few deep breaths and finally got out the truck. But as soon as I stepped foot on the carpet I felt like a deer in head lights. I couldn't move.

"Come" he said taking my hand and pulling me thru the crowd of flashing cameras.

"Durk is that your girlfriend?"

"Durk when's your album dropping?"

"Your girlfriend is very pretty. Miss what's your name?"

I rolled my eyes and held on tighter to his hand. "It's fine they do this all the time" he turned back to look at me.

I nodded and continued to look ahead. Once we were out of the sea of reporters we were seated in the front row to wait for the show to start.

I was sitting there happily chatting with some models when the photographer who worked for Vogue came up to me. "Hey Gia" he greeted me by kissing both cheeks.

"I'm okay now you should have seen me when I saw all those flashing cameras" I joked. "well it does get a little hectic especially when you brought someone famous" he said eyeing Durk.

"He's my friend." I explained hoping he wouldn't make it seem something that wasn't. "okay and that's fine" he tapped my hand.

"Uhm James" a girl with a sleek ponytail tapped his shoulder. "sorry excuse" he said turning towards the girl. They whispered something to each other which seemed to get him a little upset.

"Gia I'm so sorry but I just lost two models with the flu. I don't know what to do now" He put his hand on his chest dramatically.

"Well, I would gladly join the fashion show" I offered. His eyes shot up, "really? but I would still need another model"

"Well my best friend Kelijah's here I'm sure she would gladly join as well" I smiled. "oh my god! You just saved the show! My hero! Or should I said heroine" he dramatically expressed.

"It's no problem. I'm going to go get her and I'll meet you in make up" I said walking away. He nodded.

I went to go get Ke and explained everything to her. She agreed of course and we headed back to make up. We got ready and put on our outfits. We were instructed to be the last two models to walk the runway. So we just chilled until it was our turn.

"And now for our finale we have two exceptional new models modeling the very latest in spring fashion" A voice on the microphone said. They signaled Ke to go first and then when she was halfway thru the runway I was signaled to walk.

I'm not gonna lie I was mad nervous but once I started walking it was like a walk in the park. When we both got to the end we smiled at each other and walked back down together in sync. The crowd clapped loudly.

After the whole show was over people were congratulating us for that grand finale. I was in shock still but it was fun.

"Yo you looked amazing up there" Durk said hugging me. "thanks I was mad nervous tho" I shook my hands. "nah you make it look easy. I was wondering if you wanted to celebrate later" He looked at me with his light brown eyes.

I looked away because I only looked into Brandon's eyes and no one else's. "you want to?" He asked again.

I thought about it. It didn't seem like a bad idea but I still had Brandon in the back of my mind. Then i got an idea. I was going to call Brandon, if he answered I wouldn't go but if he didn't i would.

"Okay just give me a quick second and I'll let you know" I said walking to the back. I searched for his contact and clicked on the call option.

It rung several times. "wadup it's bibby leave me a message" I heard his deep voice as it went to voicemail.

It made me feel sad because I missed hearing his voice. it had been almost four months and I couldn't get a hold of him.

I looked to the ground. "hey boo you okay?" Ke tapped my shoulder. "no" I said with my voice almost cracking.

"Oh no. no you don't. please don't tell me it's Brandon again" she took the phone out my hand and looked at the call log. "G stop stressing over him. He clearly has better things to do. Look I love both of y'all but if it doesn't work then you have to move on" he hugged me.

"I know but it's hard" I said hugging her tighter. "I know baby but look go with Durk and celebrate. it's gonna be hard but it's gonna be fine" she rubbed my back.

Ke was the best she knew exactly what to say to make me feel better.

I cleaned up my make up and headed over to where Durk was at.

"Okay let's go" I smiled. He took my hand and lead me out back where his truck was already waiting for us. We took Ke to her crib then we headed to dinner.

"Really Durk, The Sun Dial Restaurant" I said looking up at the tall sky scrapper.

"Yes, if we celebrate we have to go all out don't we?" He said before he got out the car and helped me out. We walked into the restaurant. It was beautiful so fancy and proper. As we ordered our food you could see the restaurant move slowly in a circle giving you a view of the whole Atlanta Skyline. It was so perfect.

The only thing I would change would be being here with Brandon and not Durk.

We ate and made small talk. Once we finished dinner he took me back to my place.

"So this was nice" I said snuggling into my black biker jacket. "yea" He said looking at me. "well thanks for this amazing dinner. I'll see you around" I said turning around to walk up the stairs.

"Wait" he said grabbing my arm. Then I felt him get closer and closer to me. He reached his hand and placed it on the back of my neck and pulled me slowly towards him.

I raised my hand up to cover my mouth, "sorry this ain't gon happen. but nice try tho. We just friends Durk, don't make it anything else cus it's not gonna happen" I simply said patting his shoulder. Then I walked up the steps and into the house.

-Looks like Durk tryna slide in her DM's lol good try Durk

-G is mad loyal for that tho. somebody call Bibby & let him know this!

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Thanks, K.

From Condos to the Streets: 2 Fame Changes PeopleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora