Chapter 27

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                                                              Tuckers POV

 "What are you doing loser?" Gabe walking behind the couch I was sitting on.

"Nothing, Worry about your own messed up life" I said putting my phone away.

"Isnt it my job as an older brother to watch out for you?" he asked pretending to be serious.

"Whatever, Your a year older but a year more messed up" I said standing up.

"Your talking about me? Mr. I think Im prefect at everything" He said glareing at me "Your the one who is the most messed up, with your friends, your mom and dad all the time" he said then looked back at the tv.

I shook my head not wanting to listen to him anymore and went upstairs to my room. I always hid in my room when Gabe was visiting, but it was going to be worse now since Gabe was living with us. Me and Gabe never got along. I think it has more to do with the fact that our dad wasnt around for Gabe when he was growing up, but he was there for me.

Me and Gabe have different moms, both hate each other. Only Gabe's mom hates our dad with a passion and cant even be in the same building as him. Dad had to put a restraining order against Gabe's mom Kathy.  She has broken the order before but dad not wanting to upset Gabe let it slide and didnt press charges. Not only does she hate our dad but me too.

Gabe has told me before that she hates be because I am the kid that caused him to leave her and Gabe. Which isnt true, I had no part in what had played out between all three of them. I wasnt a newborn screaming "Leave her!". But no matter what I say or do to correct her way of thinking, it always blows up in my face.

When I was ten, I was talking to her at Gabes eleventh birthday party. It was at our house so I had no choice but to go, and act like a brother to Kathys crazy son. I was talking to her about my baseball teams win the weekend before the party, lying about the fact that I would love if she and Gabe went to a game. As I smiled thinking it was working out, she smiled back only seconds before she pushed me into the pool. Who does that? I was being nice and she pushed me into my own pool at my own house. This was the last straw for my mom and dad, after the party my father filled a restraining order against her.

That hasnt exactly kept her away though, she doesnt really follow what the piece of paper says. She is at all holiday events, birthdays and Im pretty sure I have seen her once in a window at my parents anniversary party. As long as she isnt next to me or talking to me Im fine with her.    


I threw myself onto the bed and looked up at the ceiling "Awesome" I said to myself thinking about everything. I sat thinking about Gabe, the team but mostly about Macy for some reason.

I took my phone out and looked at the unnamed phone number knowing it was Macy's. Nomally I dont even have to do that, number are just given to me but with her I had to give her my number. Its all new to me, giving my number, wanting to run into her, and thinking about her all the time. No other relationship that I have been was like this and Im not even in a relationship with Macy.

I sighed and rolled over on my side "what does she think of me?" I asked myself as I looked at the grey and blue wall.

I closed my eyes, then opened them only to suffer from a minor heart attack when I did open them. Ace, my over a hundred pound boxer's face was nose to nose with me only inches away from touching.

"I didnt even know you were in my room" I said sitting up and looking at him.

He started wagging his nub of a tail as i talked to him, like he knew what I was saying to him.

"Shut up" I said shaking my head as I walked over to my desk. I wasnt even sure why I was going to my desk it was just something to do.

"Ace lets go" I said getting up from my desk only seconds after sitting down. I was boired out of my mind and needed to do something.

I changed into a pair of black basketball shorts, a red shirt, and my white nikes. I left the rest of my stuff in my room, except for my Ipod. As I walked down the stairs, I wasnt surprised by the fact that Gabe was still on the couch, eatting our food, and not offering to help out. I forced myself to let it go, not wanting to have to deal with him anymore than I had to.

Ace walked out of the kitchen with his black Leash and dropped it at my feet. For a dog who acting like he knew nothing normally, Ace was really smart when he wanted to be. I grabbed the leash and attached it to the matching black collar that was around Ace's neck.

I headed out the front door quickly and started my jog, hoping that Gabe hadnt noticed Me leave. I turned down a street that ran towards the lake, just thinking about everything still. Ace was pulling me to keep going faster and faster, I slowed down pulling back on the leash causing him to slow down to a quick walk.

"Tucker!" I heard someone yell from behind me.

I stopped and glanced back to see who it was. "Hey Jake" I said  not sure why he was following me.

"Whats up Tuck?" He asked as he caught up to me and Ace.

"Not much just going out for a jog with Ace" I said looking down at the boxer.

"Oh cool" he said not sounding to entertained.

"why?" I asked wanting to know what was going on.

"I heard about you and Kelly" He let spill out with out thinking.

"what about us? there is no me and Kelly" I said hating the sound of our names together.

"well I heard you guys are a thing" he said upset.

"Seriously, I dont have anything with Kelly. I dont even like Kelly, theres someone else" I said seriously.

"who?" he asked and immediately I knew I had said something I shouldnt have.

"No one" I said hopeing he wouldnt ask again.

"Come on Im your best friend, spill" he said petting Ace.

"Fine....Macy Jorkins" I said not sure if he knew her or not.

"Quiet girl?" he asked confused.

"Yeah her" I said smiling. "She is different, good different." I said smiling still.

"Dude, come on your Tucker Carson. Your supposed to date every girl at school, your the star athlete its almost a tradition." he said smirking.

"I dont want to, right now all want is to get to know Macy." I said then started to jog again.

"Lame" I heard Jake say before he hearded back towards his house.

'Why had I told Jake about Macy?' I asked myself as I jogged. 'Whats gonna happen now that Im not the only one who knows I like her?' I thought over and over again for the rest of the run.


Thanks for reading :D.

As always let me know what you think about the chapter good or bad. Ant ideas for the story just shoot me a PM and I'll read it :D.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it, tucker is so fun to write about. I think he is my favorite so far in the story but that can change.

Im impressed at how many people are for Tucker compared to Derek. Everyone I ask and Everyone that has told me have said TUCKER lol. Well let me know who you like.

<3 Di 

Random Question:

1) So I need a girls name for a character in the story....ideas for name and anything about the character you would like to see. :). Help me write broken macaroni!

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