My Last Author's note

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If you have reached this point because you read the story all along, let me tell you: you have taken a really important place in my life because you have reached the end of my story... The first story I have ever completed on Wattpad.
This story wasn't more than just the first Phanfiction I have gotten effort into, but it still meant something really important.
The whole story was made out of my imagination and my attempts for it to be as accurate to all the character's personalities, but sincerely: I'm not proud.
Checking back on it I feel it was extremely bad written and not my best work... I went through the classic process of writing when you start and you feel really inspired and excited, but when you are finishing you just want to give up... And regret all this you still sticked til' the end and (hopefully) enjoyed it thanks to the pheels.
The story was all based on the song My demons by Starset, and every verse(s) had a meaning to a scene of the novel. In case you are looking for something else, go looking for the song and try to identify every scene, it might make you feel everything has made sense and you finally closed the cycle.
All along I, again, want to thank you. I appreciate every single read, and one of the most important one is yours.

Thank you for reading 'Save me if I become my demons'. I hope we will meet again sometime.
~ J. R. Garroway Lahey Howell Lester Garmadon Tonks (J. R. Vilches)

Save Me If I Become My Demons {{Phan Angel/DemonAU}}Where stories live. Discover now