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Dan's apartment was pretty nice... and normal. They both enter and Phil looked around, sort of surprised. Apart of it being pretty mundane, it was way messier than any other mundane apartment he had ever seen. Dan brought back two juice glasses and offered Phil one. He denied and Dan laughed a little
"Hunter's protocol?". Phil laughed a little too before replying:
"More like "don't drink what strangers offer you" ". Dan laughed
"Touché" he gave a smirk and drank his glass. "So... What do you wanna know?"
"Well... In first place, what are you? I mean... Are you a tortured soul or...?"
"I am... But I'm not". This comment made Phil narrow his eyes with annoyance
"I'm serious" it was surprising to see Phil who couldn't, notoriously, hide his jokey voice tone to act serious.
"Ok ok... Have you heard about the transition demons?"
"Dan... I'm a hunter, do you think I haven't?"
"Well... yeah stupid question..."
"But those only exist in fairy tales to teach kids they don't have to be afraid of demons because someone will save them, it would be stupid to tell me you are one"
"Well uh... One: I have no idea of what fairytale are you talking about and two: it's not stupid... I am one"
"Weren't you raised in the demon world?"
"...What part of transition didn't you get?"
"But I'm telling you-- Okay okay, imagining you are actually one and you were raised in the mundane world, if I'm not wrong the translation to the fairytale I'm saying is 'red riding hood'"
"But what does the red riding hood story have to do with--" Dan interrupted himself "the huntsmen, isn't it?" He said almost in a sort of shame, looking down
"In the translation the wolf is a demon that learned how to communicate in the human world, and when the huntsmen kills him the demon essence is trespassed into the huntsmen body. The only detail is that in the transition the demon lost its..." Dan started saying the same thing as Phil because he knew what he was going to say and ended up talking at the same time:
"Lost it's revenge and killing spree"
"Yeah yeah" Dan continued "I got the idea, and the story is just as true as what I am telling you"
"Ok... It would make sense, but I just don't believe you"
"It is true... I know it!... Or at least I'm almost sure... I wanted to talk to the oracle but it seems I can't"
"Why would you want to talk to the oracle?"
"It's a long story, and it has to do about how I... Turned? I guess"
"Well then" Phil started "tell me how you turned". Dan smiled but still felt sort of shame and sadness:
"It was about three weeks ago. I had this friend called Chris, a pretty cool guy. We shared interests and stuff, and he had a boyfriend. I called him PJ but I never got his real name. One day Chris told me he wanted to talk to me about something. He told me he was a demon that learned how to control himself thanks to PJ who was a demon slayer, but really soon he wouldn't be able to control it anymore and may want to kill me. I thought he was nuts or even high on drugs, but two days later during a dark night he appeared with full black eyes and foam coming out from his mouth. He was reaching for me and I thought I'm not ready to die. He got closer and when he was a meter away I saw a huge shinning blade going through his chest. His eyes went to normal and as the blade was removed, he fell to the ground and I saw PJ looking at his lover with tears streaming down his face and black blood all over his arm. I kneeled down and took his hand. I yelled at PJ stupid stuff: 'you are the real monster' 'how could you' not really knowing anything yet. I just knew my only best friend was agonising in the ground and all I could do was taking his hand. I felt his life fading as my hand lost strength. I asked myself why was I loosing strength. As I saw my friend give his last breath I passed out. I woke up in PJ's house, scared. Something had changed and the anger I felt turned into fear. He explained me everything, and the demon that lived inside of Chris was now in my body, but I had lost the wish to kill or revenge. He explained me the oracle could give me more answers, but it was the last thing I heard from him. He asked me to leave and to come back to the alley where you found me because he may be back... It has been about two weeks and I still don't find him. You appeared and here we are."
It suddenly all made sense to Phil in his mind. He couldn't stop thinking this could be fake but... It just made everything so clear.
"I met PJ" Dan's eyes widened "We used to call him either that or Liguori, his surname, because he didn't want his name to expand within the community. He was one of my first friends but we stopped talking much" perhaps because of some weirdo guy that messed all the balance between us when he stole Liguori's heart. That's why he disappeared Phil thought.
"Really?! Do you have any news about him?" Phil did, but preferred to shake his head. "Oh... Okay... "
Some silence minutes went by where all Dan did was finishing the second juice glass.
"So... What about you?"
"Excuse me?" Phil replied. He was stuck thinking about PJ
"I mean... I already told you everything about me and answered all your questions... If I'm not wrong it's your turn to answer. Who are you?"
Phil looked down for a second and looked back up. His silver blue eyes shinning brighter than before, like if light came out from them, with his hair pulled backwards (after all having it on top of the face was another demon sign) and said...
"I'm the one chosen to hunt you."

Save Me If I Become My Demons {{Phan Angel/DemonAU}}Where stories live. Discover now