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Everyone stood kneeled down with weapons as a defence threatening any demon that even dared to fly near except for Phil and Dan. Phil had stood up with his katana blades pointing down While Dan looked sort of amazed and surprised but more importantly: in fear.
"Why?" Was the only thing Phil said. His usual low voice now bounced in the whole area, every single hunter and demon listened. "PJ... Why would you do this? A month ago everything was... How could this change?"
"You think this started a month ago?" PJ said with a laugh "a month ago this idiot was turned and your realised the obvious!"
"PJ... You can stop this now, this is pointless." PJ looked back biting his lip looking with a daring look at Phil
"Pointless huh?... All I'm doing is taking revenge, and opening people's minds. When you all go feared by one enemy, you'll be finally united... But if you try to destroy that enemy you won't realise you'll first destroy yourself." How could he do it? Phil thought he is making everything take sense, tho I know it's wrong... "One movement from your people" PJ continued "and they will learn about self destruct..."
"We didn't come here to hear you talking and saying things to build regret into us. We all know the risk of dying, but that's what came within with being hunters!"
"Oh really?" PJ asked "being hunters huh?... Last time I checked you didn't have anymore hunter blood in your system."
"Well I had enough when I--" Phil was interrupted
"You were convinced by a phonie!! He isn't a hunter like you!!"
"I was until you broke my oracle!"
"And what about that, huh?! If I did it was because you may have been a threat! And now you aren't" he started to lower his voice tone "And now you act like if you want to defend them while you are going to be the first one to die... Oh and don't..." PJ interrupted himself and looked sideways, pointing a young hunter with blonde hair. "Don't try to stab me in the back while I'm talking, see... If you do you may get as more rage as what you expect from these" he showed the lines of demons. Demons who sometime were hunters and black matters waiting to finally have a body. "And if you do... I could just appear behind your back and..." He did. He appeared behind the back of the boy and twisted his neck. He fell to the ground in pain, such movement would've killed a human being, so I'm a hunter made as much pain as it could. They saw one of the black matters to run straight for the boy. And he stopped moving. His eyes were black but he was unmovable. He vomited some blood, his eyes went to normal... And he stood there, laying silent, no one really knowing if he was dead or alive. A woman yelled, it was her mother:
It was the kid McDonnell... He would always bring joy to every party and he had just turned twenty last year... Poor boy.
PJ appeared again in front of me
"Is this what you want?" He asked
"If you mean people fighting to stop you yes, because we can."
"C'mon Phil! You more than anyone know you can't! We are more in quantity and we can take over just like how we did with McDonnell!" Phil started vacillating, he was right. "It's your choice now"
PJ dissapeared leaving One person infront of everyone before the mass of demons... The one and only Jack Harries. Dan could feel something building inside him when he saw him... It wasn't sadness, nor regret...
"Phil..." Dan whispered
"I-I'm... I think..."
"What is it Dan?"
"I think I'm feeling angry."

Save Me If I Become My Demons {{Phan Angel/DemonAU}}Where stories live. Discover now