XIV: Part Two

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"Oh, don't look at me like that, you knew this would happen; deep inside you did." PJ said, starting to shift his eyes back to human-looking eyes. He did a sign to Jack and the last one, really fast, took one of Phil's blades and made some deep cuts in his leg. The demons slayer felt to the ground as he saw the katana loosing its light, now covered by demon energies as well as his leg.
"I guess now Danny will have to wait" Jack said with an evil tone while laughing. Phil turned around and looked at both of them: an unrecognisable Jack with full black eyes and a tired and lost PJ.
"You can't kill me" Phil said in Pain because of his leg; demon injuries are more painful than any others.
"We could if we would" PJ said pretty sure "You have loosen your oracle and with it your immortality. The day it was broken you started living normally like you where just twenty years old." Phil looked down, he didn't realise it. He was now mortal, another mundane with a little more knowledge on the supernatural world and fighting techniques. "But don't worry, we won't kill you. We will just wait until the war"
"War?" Phil asked. He wasn't in conditions.
" Just as you heard it. Or what, do you think Chris was the one and only? Or that I used Jack to replace him? I am building a whole army Lester, and you will soon see why the two realms shouldn't be separated and the most powerful one will rule... If you are alive to see it of course."
Phil shook his head. Having to deal with his leg and PJ's incoherences was giving him a head ache... Could he make it alive?
"Now we'll leave you be... You have four days" PJ said and disappeared with Jack in a black smoke cloud. Phil stayed in the old wooden house, seeing it for probably the last time. He took some stuff from a first aid kit he always had in his backpack, got some sort of potion for the wound to heal and covered it with a bandage. He had to let it rest for a day. He knew PJ as an strategist and he knew the cuts in his foot meant something else, not just to avoid him from travelling. Poison,  a potion or even demon blood for his hunter blood (if he had some left) to be mixed and for him to be in more pain. He tried to remember everything about him:
Phil Lester; Demon Hunter; Dead Family; Boyfriend: Dan, a demon; PJ is a traitor; A war is coming, stop it.
The words repeated in Phil's head all night. He tried to no fall asleep. Whenever he wanted to stay awake he just told himself "If you were made to live more than two hundred years you can stay one night", but now his mortality was making him tired. He hadn't slept well the last weeks not mentioning he didn't sleep at all yesterday. Once Dan fell asleep he immediately made a note, ate some cereal and started walking towards the oracle. Every hunter had a different oracle that only they could find and only they knew how to go there. Phil had to go walking, if he went in bicycle or in a car he would get lost. Once he woke up he tried to remember everything from yesterday. Luckily he could. He looked at the wound and realised it didn't hurt as much, but it hasn't healed well, PJ must've done something for it not to. He stood up, ignored the pain and started walking out the house. He looked at it once again. He may have experience and some hunter blood left, but he wasn't a hunter anymore. He looked at the wooden walls, the spot where he always kneeled to talk, every flaw in the house that represented every fight scar Phil had, just like the ones he had in his chest, and lastly, the mirror. The mirror that represented what wasn't there anymore. He slowly closed the door, twisted the knob a last time and closed his eyes. When he opened them after some seconds, the house wasn't there. Just a long grass space as well as all the other spaces. Only one thing left: a katana blade that once shined and was made to protect, but now to kill, in the middle of the grass. It was then when Phil started walking slowly at first and once the pain faded away a little more he started walking until he managed to get to London. Once he got to Dan's apartment the story started
• • • • •
"That's how I got here" Phil concluded
"A war... Why a war? Why me?"
"Because of your noble heart... PJ knew that not even the greatest demon energy could lit out your heart, that's why he took advantage of the situation". Dan was thoughtful, looking at the books and things that fell off shelves. All his clothes on the ground, it looked like there had been an earthquake.
"Dan" Phil continued "I know that this is hard but--". He was interrupted by Dan once again as he started approaching him.
"Phil, What part of stay away from me don't you get? Even now that you aren't immortal anymore. Even now you don't have enough hunter blood to threaten me...! Y-you.... You still keep on approaching, even now that I'm telling you I may kill you...". Dan looked down for a second, While Phil thought of trying to use his next words properly:
"Dan... Look at me, please...". Dan did. He raised his head and stared deep into the blue eyes of the hunter, those blue eyes that even without hunter blood could shine as strong as the fullest moon ever. "Do you want to kill me?"
"No." Dan replied quickly with tearing eyes while shaking his head.
"Will you kill me?"
"I-I..." Dan hesitated for a moment and felt a small tear fall down his cheek. "I don't know..."
"Do you love me?"
"Yes Phil, of course I do..."
"Then..." Phil said approaching step by step  "you have no reason to kill me, but believe me that if you do I will be killed by the most beautiful hands in all Europe". He sat down slowly next to Dan who inevitably smiled a little while looking down. Phil hugged Dan who at first didn't receive it much because of a fear building inside, but later hugged back and stood like that all night. They fell asleep together and woke up too, because now their mission was different;
A war had started.

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