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Dan's nightmares had started again. Yells mixed with images.
I think I'm losing myself
He saw himself in Jack's arms with a knife and blood in his hands
He broke all the rules, he changed. He forgot about us. About me
He saw himself taking Chris' hand
He saw himself crying, then angry with his full black eyes, glasses breaking behind him and finally, Phil's voice:
Dan, Dan! DAN!

He woke up
Phil was next to him, with his hand on Dan's shoulder.
"Dan..." Finally Phil's voice went a little more calmed "You were talking in your sleep... You really scared me, you seemed to be having a nightmare"
"More like nightmares"
"Did they include broken glasses?" he turned his head to a broken glass lamp and a bottle. Dan looked scared at Phil
"What's happening to me?"
"Nothing Dan, you are just not well able to control the electromagnetic force managed by the demon energies"
Dan looked even more confused at Phil
"Can you please say it in English now, thank you". Phil laughed
"You don't know how to control your "powers" well yet."
"I have to learn..."
"Exactly. Try it now, Try to raise up the glasses" Phil said with a trustworthy smile while Dan looked at him with a little fear
"No... No what if I do something wrong and I throw the glasses towards you?"
"Well, you shouldn't because all killing desire was deleted during the transition and... Oracle, immortality... Two hundred years thing... Yeah." Dan laughed a little "
ok, I'm gonna try i--... Phil?" Dan interrupted himself
"Yeah?" Phil replied
"Are you wearing colours?" Dan said a bit surprised. The normal black or hunter fixed type of shirt was now a bright blue one with a Nyan-cat design.
"Oh yeah" he looked at the shirt "I don't know I just wanted a little change". Dan smiled
"Well, I like this change"
"Great. Now pick up the glasses! Come on Dan! I know you can do it!" Phil cheered almost like to a dog. Dan laughed and tried it. He looked firmly at the glasses for about five minutes and nothing happened. "It's worthless, I'll never know how to move them" he turned his head and felt something else falling and breaking.
"MY HARRY POTTER SAGA!" Dan yelled. All the books fell to the ground and the chamber of secrets' cover got broken.
"... I really need to control these." Dan said and Phil nodded with a small laugh
"It's not funny!" Dan rejected with also a small laugh... Phil's laugh made him.
"Okay what about we go to the store now, we ran out of cereal"
Dan laughed "YOU ran out of cereal you twat!". Phil laughed too, he felt glad about this sort of moments and laughs with Dan where the ones that made him feel this like something else than a job.

• • • • •
The day went by normal, they went to the bar and had a pretty cool time with their friends... Until dawn. One of them came back to the house crying at midnight, being persecuted by the other one.
"Dan!!" Phil yelled all across the street when Dan was in the door of the apartment. "Dan..." He got closer step by step "What happened?"
Dan's eyes were still red after all the crying. He ran in the building and ran to his apartment, followed by Phil. When Phil entered he locked the door and fell in his arms to cry for about half an hour. The longest thirty minutes in Phil's life. When Dan finally calmed down he said it:
"Jack broke up with me..."

Save Me If I Become My Demons {{Phan Angel/DemonAU}}Where stories live. Discover now