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Dan woke up in the morning and went to the kitchen. He couldn't get off the image of Phil running and crying. The first thing he saw was a bowl of cereal and a spoon on it... Behind it, sat down the hunter with black hair eating a spoon full of Dan's cereal. Dan stood quiet and surprised while Phil just chewed and looked at Dan with a blank expression.
Dan couldn't get angry, he didn't know why, he just couldn't... But he did his best for his tone to sound strong and firm...
"What the hell was that?!" Dan almost yelled. Phil just stood there, a blank expression still and shrugged. "Yesterday, you take me to a bar I have no idea existed, you tell me suddenly all my friends are also part of this weird supernatural bullshit and you see me with my best friend and then run away crying!!! What the fuck?!" Dan heard himself and remembered he saw Phil after kissing Jack, when he was taking his hand. He stopped in his tracks and said with a little of regret "w-what did you see?"
Phil swallowed.
"I just saw you and Jack...taking hands" it seemed it was hard for Phil to say it. Dan gave that smirk again
"We're you jealous?"
"What? No! That's disg--" he interrupted himself before he could do an extreme homophobic comment in front of his 'friend' that was insinuating something "uh... Sorry I shouldn't have"
"Oh don't worry, I also find it disgusting sometimes.". This comment just confused Phil even more
" are not gay?"
"No I'm not, Jack is. He was taking my hand but I saw you and went away running. Why were you crying anyway?"
Lies, lies, lies pure lies, I saw you kissing him! Phil thought.
"I wasn't crying" he defended
"But you had teary eyes" Dan rejected and Phil sighed. It had just been three days and he already had to confess everything. He promised he would never lie unless it's for work purposes, and this mission overpassed the work limits long ago.
"It's just that... I remembered Chris and Liguori..."
"Wait... You knew Chris?" Phil nodded "do I have any normal friends?!"
"Well, if you have a friend that wasn't presented to you by Chris... Probably"
"And what about Carrie? Chris didn't presented her to me and I saw her yesterday on the bar"
"I hadn't seen her before, only once about a week ago where we explained she had been turned to a werewolf..."
She haven't talked to me since last week... That would explain it Dan thought again.
"But still... Why did it remind you of what happened to Chris and PJ?"
Phil sighed, he didn't want to say it, but he somehow needed too.
"PJ was my friend... But he started dating Chris and... He changed. He broke all rules and forgot everything about us... About me... When he killed Chris he came to talk to me, he told me about you, but I didn't know who you were exactly, he just told me his boyfriend's roommate had been going through the transition and stuff... I didn't believe him and asked him to leave... Then he disappeared. The scene, when I saw you and Jack hand by hand in the balcony... It was just like when I got told they were dating. Slayers and demons just aren't made to be together... There's a balance and we have to follow it." Phil looked down, his own words hurt.
Dan looked surprised at Phil
"So... It's not that I was with a boy, or you were jealous..."
They talked at the same time:
"It's just the balance that has to be followed"
"I'm sorry Dan... But it's true..."
"Don't worry... I just... I just think you should stop worrying so much about the rules... And live your life, because I'm not sure if you've been living this last two hundred years well..." Dan stood up and went to the bathroom "I'll be in the shower!" He yelled in a distance and closed the bathroom door. Phil thought about the last frase Dan had told him: I'm not sure if you've been living this last two hundred years well.
Have I? Phil asked himself. He felt how a small hair tress fell on top of his eye and he fixed it but then felt two more falling on the other side of his head.
Your hair is falling, falling over your face, a demon sign!... No, this is not happening Phil, remember who you are. He fixed the last tresses pulling them back again and finished his cereal... He didn't know what he was waiting for.
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Save Me If I Become My Demons {{Phan Angel/DemonAU}}Where stories live. Discover now