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"Dan... Calm down, he must be playing with your head."
"I know... But I can't stop feeling it..."Phil sighed and looked around everyone seemed ready to fight, no one had fear like phil. When enough people nodded towards him to assure him they wanted to fight he did a last yell with a tear falling down his cheek.
"Position!" Everyone took out their weapons. And with a last sigh he said it "Front."
Front. That was the hunter code as the "permission to attack".
"Phil..." Dan said a last time like waiting for something "give me a weapon..."
"Dan I don't know if I could..."
"Phil..." He looked at him, he looked into those deep blue eyes that made him fall in love some months ago. "Have your katanas ready in case I do something stupid with it and just kill me, but I need a weapon now."
"Dan... "
"Please Phil..."
Phil vacillated but took out the holy katana sword he had left and threatened Dan. Then he gave him a small blade and nodded, Dan looked forward until he heard a man yell through all the place, sign they were going to attack. Dan simply ran towards one objective and created a scene Phil wished he hadn't seen. He went towards  Jack. He did some movements it seems he learned by imitating Phil and surprisingly, the blade Phil gave him kept being holy. It hurt Jack and not even the demon energies from Dan could turn it to an unholy blade. Phil got to hear some words flying through the air:
Three years! Three fucking years! Secrets and fucking lies that's what you are!
Jack was laying in the ground, a last cut and we would go away. Dan realised what he had done and started vacillating, but he still did it, the last cut on Jack's body made him fade away, when others demons started getting close Dan he just got his eyes black and everyone feared him. But when he looked up at Phil who was in a sort of shock and somehow proud... Why would he? Out of nowhere the tired face of Dan turned into horror
"Phil! Behind you!" The next Phil felt was a huge crash against the ground and a huge demon on top of him. The sort of disfigured human figures he used to deal with before. Just a short movement of the katana and the demon faded away. Many yells rounded everywhere as well as blood. Dan started running towards Phil, but he turned around and saw it. A long sword flying through the air, slowly crossing his chest, making his lungs press down and the taste of blood to fill all his mouth. It was PJ on the other side. He had thrown the blade hoping Dan would get in the middle... But he ended up killing Phil. His name bounced on the air with Dan's voice in a painful yell that made almost everyone shut up. He ran to catch him and took the blade out.
"No.. No no Phil ,no! Please!" Dan cried
"Dan..." Phil mumbled with a little drop of blood falling down his cheek from his mouth.
"Phil... Phil I'm here... Phil... Please...I'll always be here Phil... Phil stay with me please..." Dan cried a last time.
"Dan..." Was the last word that came out of the bleeding mouth of Phil. His sight got lost, and Dan felt how those beautiful blue eyes lost all its shine. He was dead. Dan a last time let some tears out and yelled, took Phil's katana blade and ran towards PJ, who looked scared, it had gotten out of his hand.
Dan's eyes were raging in fury and the darkness on them made PJ to feel a slight drowning sensation covering all his throat.
"You killed him" was the only thing Dan said.
"Dan... Please..."
"YOU KILLED HIM" Dan made a last movement and with all his strength slayed the blade towards PJ's neck... What he didn't expect was that PJ would hold the blade. Even tho it cut through his palms, Dan felt how the blade he was taking started to lose strength; to become unholy... But was the blade that was losing strength or was it him? The saw the same dark eyes on PJ's face, smiling devily. He was losing strength, losing air and... Losing life. PJ was taking away from him all the demon energies he had left. Making the blade cut into his left palm and making his fall to the ground. He was agonising. His soul could only stay thanks to a demonic force that PJ had almost fully taken from him... Now he was dying too.
"Some last words?" PJ said not letting those threatening dark eyes go away. Dan simply closed his eyes, letting a single tear out; The only one he had left. PJ was about to do the killing movement and something lit the sky.
"No..." PJ said lowering the katana and letting it go like it suddenly became a huge weight to him. "No, this can't be..."
With his last attempt to move Dan looked behind him and saw it: the figure of a Lion was drawn in the sky, a beautiful lion with blue eyes.
"Phil..." He whispered with the last bit of air he had left. The lion was looking up at the sky, and Dan could see some wings unfold from the lion's back. A light shone all over the place, making all demons disappear. Even PJ that fought til the end, faded away. Dan started to recover his strength and stood up. He saw Phil's body, using broken clothes, falling down from the sky, really slowly. Dan ran towards him, who seemed to be passed out, and catches him before he fell. Everyone looked in shock, they saw the Phil they always knew now like something else... They could see it: White feathered wings folded, sticked to the back of the Raven haired man. Dan slowly laid him on the ground and kneeled next to him.
"Phil?" He whispered in fear. Phil started slowly moving and moaning... Until he finally opened his eyes: as blu as never before. He slowly stood up and unfolded the big White wings he now possessed. Everyone, except Dan, kneeled down to the figure. Phil looked confused. Dan simply let some words out:
"I knew you were an angel..."
Phil looked really confused at Dan, like not recognising him.
"I-I'm Sorry but... Who are you?"
Dan's heart froze. He saw how Phil started laughing.
"Dan, I'm just kidding. Now come give me a hug.". Dan smiled and and let the emotion tears stream down his face as he jumped to hug his angel.

This was finally the start of something knew.

Save Me If I Become My Demons {{Phan Angel/DemonAU}}Where stories live. Discover now