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The third day worrying news came, the fourth one they were denied.
The third day was pretty normal and happy for both of them. They watched some more movies and talked all day. They went to McDonnald's and played video games all day. Dan went to shop and Phil stood alone in the apartment. He heard the doorbell ring and thought it may have been Dan, who forgot his keys... But it wasn't him.

It was the one and only, Jack Harries.

"Jack..." Phil said with a little amazement "W-What are you doing here?"
"I just needed to talk..." He replied
"To Dan? I'm sorry, he's out and I doubt he'd like to talk to you."
"No no... I need to talk to you...". Phil looked with suspect but surprise at the same time.
"Ok..." The black haired hunter replied "Come in, take a sit... You already know this house even if you're not welcome"
"Yeah..." He sat down in the everyday sofa. "I want to talk to you about Dan... It's serious". Phil didn't fade his suspect look, but got worried at the same time "I wanted to tell you for a while now but I wasn't able... I'm afraid Dan is..." He stopped talking
"Dan is...?" Phil asked. Jack looked down.
"Phil I don't know if I ca--" he was interrupted
"What happened to Dan?" Phil said in a very serious tone. Jack sighed
"He came to my house in the early morning and... He attacked me, he couldn't control himself. I know he is supposedly a transition demon... But he was so aggressive and so angry... Phil, he wanted to kill me". Phil looked amazed at what his colleague had just said.
"No... No that's..."
"Phil, I'm telling you the truth... He broke my window and..." Jack stopped for a second and rose his sleeve. He had a long cut along his arm being covered by the small sleeve the t-shirt he used had. As a hunter, Phil could recognise immediately the cut was made with demon energies. Every wound for every creature was different, and the one Jack had only confirmed more what he just said.
"I am afraid this could mean more than just not being used to the powers." Jack concluded
"I'll keep an eye on him as I promised... You may leave now." Phil replied
"But Phil..."
"Dan will come back in any second and I don't want him to know you were here so please leave before I do you know what to get you out..." Phil replied pretty seriously but using an empathic tone, his blue eyes shinning really bright. Jack looked down, stood up and went out the door. Phil closed it and sighed. Could it be true? Did he fail because of his love? Guilt swam inside the slayer's body, he would make sure Dan wasn't a threat, because he already new he wasn't... He just had to prove it

He is a threat, you just don't wanna kill him a voice inside Phil's mind said

He's not Phil rejected

He is, you fell in love with it, that's why you say it. Now stop it and go back to your work

I'll go talk to the oracle and we'll see who's the real threat in here he thought to himself hatefully.
His thoughts were interrupted when, once again, the doorbell rang. He went out and opened the door to see Dan with a face full of fear he was sure that if he could it would be anger.
"What was Jack doing outside our apartment?!" He said pressing really hard the shop bags he had in his hand.
"He wanted to talk to you but I told him you didn't wanna talk, so he left" Phil replied trying to act normally. Dan looked at him with sadness and still a rest of fear. How could he dare after what happened three nights ago? He hugged Phil a last time to drown the last tears he would sacrifice for him. The black t-shirt he used luckily hid well the tears, not like the colourful shirts he used to use before de breakup. They watched a last movie and went to sleep. It was a night full of nightmares for Phil, while dreams for Dan.
At the next morning, Phil was woken up by his name being pronounced many times.

Phil, Philll! Phil c'mon wake up... Phil. Phil c'mon hurry up. Phillll!!!!!

The black haired hunter opened his eyes and saw Dan jumping on top of his bed.
"Dan... W-what are you doing? What time is it?"
"About 7, why?"
"Dan... It's Sunday, why... Ugh" he covered himself up with the cover.
"But Phiillllllll" Dan pouted "I need to show you something it's great news!"
"Can't they wait till afternoon?"
"No Phil! It has to be now!" Dan said again with a laugh this time. Phil realidad the happiness in Dan's Voice and laughed a little too
"Okay Okay, I'm going"
"Oh c'mon! I've seen your lion pijamas a thousand times, this can't wait". They both laughed and Phil stood up
"Okay okay" he said and walked to the living room. He saw the glass table broken in the middle of the room "What the hell happened in here?!" Phil almost yelled.
"Nothing to worry about... Look this!" Dan looked directly at the glasses for some seconds. Phil appreciated how his eyes went fully black and the glasses picked up and got fixed into the table. Dan's eyes went to normal and he looked at Phil, hoping for him to be proud... But proud was nothing to explain what Phil felt in that moment. They both hugged.
"You are finally doing it" Phil said. To see it felt like a relief. He's not a threat Phil thought. He's learning.
The day went like normal after it apart of some more training. Maybe Jack had just made a lie to make Dan look bad to Phil... He knew Dan, he fell for him, and he was going to make sure they would have a great time before and after the travelling.
Three days were left for the souls to meet their end...

Save Me If I Become My Demons {{Phan Angel/DemonAU}}Where stories live. Discover now