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I stood in the corner, with hands around my waist, I was still worried about Cole and smothered him with care, even after it's been nine months since the accident, the tragic accident, I sighed and looked at my hand resting above Cole's, worst proposal ever, if you ask me. Really.

One morning, weeks after we came back home from hospital, I woke up when Cole asked me to make him coffee, since he didn't asked me to do much, I decided against taking offense, since he woke me up just so he can have a cup of coffee. I made him his coffee when I noticed ring on my finger.

Yes, people. End of proposal, in his mind he asked and I said yes, no further queries. When I walked back to room, with our coffees, I sat beside him and asked him patiently if he wanted to ask me something, he said he did and asked me if I wanted a small wedding or a large one, of course I want a large wedding! Right, my parents?

  That was the best part of this all, I didn't knew how big deal my kidnapping turned out to be until I heard my parents voice in my room. After they were done screaming and scolding me, and then telling me how much they love me, they told it's all over the news, my bravery! Cole calls is my stupidity, but he is alive and that's all I care about.

  They accepted him with open arms, they still have communication problem, but I can just tell my parents and brother love Cole and his family, my brother has been used as translator, but my mother when came back this time, they came fully prepared and now there is very less communication gap, they are staying with Cole's parents, having fun, and spending some beach time.

"Do you see him yet?" I asked, Cole squeezed my waist.

"Not yet" and then I did! Beck, has transformed 360, his swagger changed, his hairs, his body looked more solid, the poor boy in every call sounded tired and defeated, but for some reason, never he mentioned giving up, I would have let him, he is more important to me, than stupid job, I didn't realize I was running until beck let go of his bag and was pulling me up in his arms.

"You are home!" I screamed and kissed his face, he laughed.

"Yes I am, for the most special day of your life!" I laughed and showed him my ring. when he didn't say so much of 'ah' I decided to tell him about my amazing ring. "It's Cole's grandma's, he had it remodeled though, you see this diamond is his grandmother's and rest of the diamonds are new"

"Do you like it?" He asked, I exhaled, this is such a boy question to ask.

"Yes" I replied, he laughed and kissed me.

"Don't sound so unhappy, just because I didn't start dancing as soon as I looked at your ring, we are taught to be disciplined" I looked at him in suspicion.

"Is that the only reason you didn't jump and clap?" I asked without bursting into laughter.

"Yes mam" we did laugh then, I hugged him again.

Tomorrow is the most important day of my life, my dream wedding, with my dream man, with my whole family there, I smiled a gave out a happy sigh.

What they all don't know is how they are about to be surprised in about 8 months. champ and I are going to give daddy the happy news on wedding night, daddy will have a heart attack first and then will probably end up crying.

Maybe this time I won't cry first.

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