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"Is he so pissed?" I whispered, Mason turned to look at me and then exhaled.

"For the millionth time, he isn't pissed"
Mason snapped, I turned and stared at him, why is lying to me? Does he think I am not strong enough to handle the truth? "You are trying to save me, aren't you? Save me from the guy because he is coming back and is so pissed may even kill me?"

Beck and Sheldon snorted, I shot them look which said, they better be quiet or they'll be dead before we reach our destination. Mason came this morning and asked me to pack a bag, because we are going out for a weekend party, why would he invite me and then everything fell into place, he is trying to save my life.

It's been boring 2 weeks, very boring and lonely, Cole vanished after I made fun of him, didn't even gave me chance to apologise! I didn't mean anything by all that I said, I really like him, sometimes I feel I may even be falling in love with him, but isn't possible is it? I missed Cole like hell, his eyes, his short temper, his rare smiles, his glares, the way he smells, everything about him, and he vanished.

How can he do that to me? Right after I received a letter written from blood! The nerve! How can I trust him now? Tears filled my eyes, the stupid asshole always hurting me, I won't ever talk to him now, but I need to remember that, I turned around to face Sheldon and beck, fidgeting in the backseat.

"Remind me never to talk to asshole Cole ever again" I told them, Sheldon burst into laughter, but beck had more discipline, he nodded without laughing, i nodded back and sat straight.

"Where are you taking us, Mason?"

"Out" he sounded strained.

"Huh, almost didn't notice that"

"Very observant" he replied, clearing his throat.

"I did say almost" I replied.

"You do notice I am not Cole and will not tolerate your sarcasm?"

"You did notice I am talking to you, which means I did notice you are Cole, why are you Casanova brothers so rude and asshole and crude and irritating, you will never get a nice woman!"

"True" he snapped back, tears filled my eyes, I looked down at my lap, I want to jump down from this car, fucking irritating.

"You are not very nice"

"Are you going to tell on me too?"

"Who did I tell on?"


"He called me bitch and yes I will tell on you"

"You aren't talking to Cole" Sheldon reminded him, I glared at him "I know" I growled, he nodded biting his lower lip and turned to look the view outside the window.

"I was going to set you up with a very cute friend of mine" I whispered.

"Why would I wanna be with any of your friend is a big question" enough was enough, I tried really hard but couldn't, taking a deep breath, I started crying, I stared out the window, as tears fell down my eyes, hands clenched tightly in my hand.

I have a man who is after my life, why can't people understand I am under a lot of pressure? Why would people talk to me like that? Am I the bad person here? My shoulders shook a little, I heard Mason call my name but I ignored him, I did hear beck say something like dead to Mason but I ignored him too, and closed my eyes.

Don't think about anything, don't think about asshole, I took a deep breath, my hands shaking like hell, I stared at them.

"Mason, what did you find about that letter?"

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