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I wiped the tears from my eyes and closed the laptop, stupid love movie, wiping tears from my eyes, and lay down on my bed, I pushed the laptop away from my lap and curled into a ball, how come my life ended like this? Not exactly ended but still, how come I am facing this type of problem.

I am a nice person, aren't I? Smart, helpful, funny, I like to make friends, I respect elders and am always always nice to kids, never rude to them, I feed people my part of coffee if they need it more than I do, I water the plants and because I hate doing so, I don't have any. I hate doing dishes so I kinda use boys for that but it's not such a big deal! I use very less dishes anyways! Ugh, are these all problems happening because I am a very crappy guardian.

I kissed a married man, first kiss I ever received was from a married man, who happens to love his wife, wouldn't have kissed me, If he loved his wife right? But they aren't exactly getting divorced! Oh god, I kissed a married man and loved it!

  Best kiss of my life, and first, how more pathetic can you be woman! I pushed the covers aside and checked all the doors and windows, locked my bedroom's door and went to bed, after so long I am sleeping alone, sucks though, I feel weird and lonely. Sighing I closed my eyes and always fell back to sleep.

  I woke up with a jerk, someone is in the house, I heard the same sound again, someone is unlocking the door, my bedroom door, I panicked and woke up from my bed, where the fuck is my phone? In my purse! Oh god! Someone is in the house! Coming in the bedroom, I looked around my empty bedroom, I just have a bed, a closet and a study table, nothing else, noth-fucking-ing else. I rushed to the closet and searched for something, anything to fend off the bad guys! My shoes! I went under the bed and hid, the door opened, I heard steps, I covered my mouth and closed my eyes, don't breathe too loud.

Don't breathe too loud.

  I kept repeating inside my head, I heard the covers rustling.

"The bitch isn't here!" Voice snapped, I flinched, but didn't move.

"But I saw her come in! I saw her!" I know this voice, have heard it somewhere! Oh god but where? I pulled myself near.

"She must have left"

"How? I have been guarding the door!"

"Boys live with her, why aren't they here? Are they going to be a problem?"

"They went to friend's place! Stupid bitch!"

"No..the door was closed from inside! She is here! The fucking bitch!" They were moving, if I don't move, they can't reach me, suddenly.

"I know exactly where!" I screamed as he pulled me out by my leg, I kicked and screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Let me go!" I kicked on the man's face and scrambled on my feet, I ran to the door but someone got me before that, pulled me back, I slipped and my head slammed on something, it felt dizzy, but safety first, oh god safety first.

"Let me go! Let me go!" I yelled and kicked, but someone held me down by my back, and tugged my hairs hard, I screamed.

"I am going to give you something to scream about!" He pulled my hairs back and slammed my face on the floor, I saw stars and that is not just a saying, when it happens you actually do see stars, I whimpered.

"You won't make a noise now, will you?" I shook my head and closed my eyes, someone held my hands.

"Her skin is silk" the voice whispered, hands under my top, touching my back, I took a deep breath, his hands were reaching near my breast, I shuddered, and prayed for someone..oh god! Justin! Justin! He asked me to call him, whenever needed, the walls are paper thin, I took a deep breath, oh god.

He's touching my legs, up thighs, taking a deep breath I screamed like my life depended on it.

"Justin! Help me! Justin!"

"Bitch saw him leave" oh god, now I know the man! It's sheldon's father! Oh god!

"Justi...aahhhhhh!!" Someone was dry humping me, I felt my cheeks wet and realized I was crying, he isn't here, no one is going to help me, I am going to get raped by two men, my shoulders shook with my cries, that's when I heard it, the door , the roar, I fell down with relief.

"Jamie!" I heard the roar, I opened my mouth to answer, a hand clamped over my mouth, I tried kicking, moving, I bit the hand clamped on my mouth, I didn't made a sound, the man made enough.

My room's door opened from hinges, and men move away from me, ran back, I woke up, and crawled to the wall, closing my eyes over the pain, over the sight that was happening.

He is going to kill them if I don't stop him! Oh god, he is going to kill them, I stood up and fell down on my knees, my head hurts, I touched my forehead, oh I am bleeding, I pushed myself up with the help of my knees, he was hitting them, oh god, both of them were bloody face.

"Justin!" I called out to him, he didn't listen, I tugged on his tee, he turned his gaze dangerous, killing, murderous, scary.

"Don't hurt..please" his eyes changed and he turned towards me, taking me in his arms, I held him close, and rubbed his hand.

"Don't kill them, police"

"Already called, I am going to take you to hospital"

"I am fine, no.."

"You are bleeding.." He sounded defeated, so sad, I met his eyes, I shook my head.

"Calm down, please, let's wait for police, okay? I have medical kit here somewhere"

"Are you feeling dizzy? Nausea? Huh? Are you seeing two of me?"

"No, I just want to go out of here" I walked a step and went down, everything blacked out.


I opened my eyes and lay where I was, it was comfortable and warm, and comfortable.

"I am going to puke" I stood up and rushed to the bathroom, it was right on time, I threw up.

Oh god, I have never felt this miserable before. Not even when I got drunk for the first time.

Everything came back, oh god, I was about to be raped! Justin! Did they take him? Washing my face I turned and went into a woman, she held me by my shoulder.

"You okay?" She asked, I nodded.

"Oh god, Justin, did they take him? He didn't do anything! Please, tell me! Oh god! Why aren't you answering me?"

"Time between sentences, baby" I looked behind her and there he stood, oh god, behind the woman! not behind bars!

"They didn't put you in jail!" I cried and threw myself at him, he is safe, I was about to be raped, used, they would have used me, just like in movies, I started crying, harder, oh god, what could have happened if he wasn't here!

"Shh! I got you"

"You did, you saved me, thank you, I did what you asked me to" I met his gaze, he nodded.

"You did, you called for me" he kissed my cheeks, I nodded and hid my face in his neck.

"They said, you weren't home, he watched you go away! You should have been here!"

"I am sorry" he whispered in my hairs.

"It's okay, you did save me, I won't tell cops, you shouldn't too, can't let you go to prison, were they dead?" He nodded.

"Alive, in jail"

"Okay, let me go, federal agent mason Casanova is staring"

"Uh huh" he didn't. I kept my cheeks against his shoulder, don't let me go, keep me safe, he will, he always has, even someone else's, he kept me safe, I closed my eyes at that thought.

"Don't leave me"

"I won't"

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