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I got settled on the log, staring at the name I carved, I was really young, Mel was love of my life, she was all I could think about, small town love story really, with everyone rooting for us, I couldn't have said married yeah but I knew without Mel it wouldn't be same for me, what a douche I was, Mel, she is too predictable, I am not saying it's bad, sometimes that's what a man wants, predictable woman.

Someone they don't have to outwit at every chance.

Someone who will sit where she is put.

Someone with no temper.

Someone who is a little afraid to anger you.

Someone who even when wears a paper bag is such a people magnet, they can't help themselves.

I don't know much about woman, all I know is this one is mine, I can't imagine her with anyone else, I stared at the woman who owns most of my thoughts, even when I am with her, I think ways to be with her even more, how insane is that? She was talking to Dillion and Rick right now, they were saying something to piss her off because she was pouting now.

Next stage will be, hands on hips and then she'll start yelling and telling people the proper conduct to behave, she is the talk of the town, cole's woman got balls, Cole's woman is beauty, Cole's woman this, Cole's woman that, to be honest Cole's woman is different, difficult and dangerous.

My brothers may be teasing her or pissing her off but I know she means more to them than their brother's girlfriend, she is part of our family now,  she has their loyalty and love, it isn't something we Casanovas' give around, it has to be earned and Jamie has sure earned it, even judge's love, and mom's too, they have taken her in, and she has mixed right in between us, like she has always been a Casanova.

How did I live without her? It's been such a short time since I have known her but now imagining life without her, seems..impossible, what if she decides to let me go? That's simple I won't let her and then she'll get mad because I am telling her what to do, but she can't leave me, I scowled, my chest tighten.

What the fuck is wrong with me? She isn't going anywhere! But what if she does? What am I going to do? What will become of my life if she isn't in it?

"Cole!" My head snapped up and I looked at woman, a relief ran through my veins, she isn't gone, I have to do something to make her stay, forever. "Zack says you were gay growing up" her eyes were laughing, couldn't help i grinned.

"The hell I was!" I stood up and walked to the group, I pulled Jamie in my arms, her back against my chest, I kept my chin on her shoulder.

"Remember when mom was giving Nick and Otto, lessons that, one should always respect human being no matter who they love? Cole never brought any girl home, so they thought its Cole she is telling them about! Dinner that night was awesome, we are having dinner, when suddenly otto says, 'don't ya worry Cole, I will love you even if you love another man'" laughter echoed the night. "Cole keeps saying, I am not gay! But, he wouldn't budge, kept saying not to worry, he is still loved, he is still loved, I don't think anyone had a single bite of food that night, we were so busy laughing"

"You sure you over your phase honey?" Jamie asked in sweet voice, I pulled her near, making sure she felt my hardness against her.

"Not sure if I can prove it anymore to you" she gasped and then shook her at me like she was really disappointed at me, I laughed and kissed her, because what the hell I don't need a reason to kiss my woman. We stood there a while, talking, teasing.

"It was clean bullet shot, the artery was thoracic artery, he would have died due to bleeding, I just walked in with a coffee in my hand..and I saw everybody just staring, thinking of something to do, I pushed mike aside and climbed with the patient, I had my finger in his artery hole for 15 minutes, it was a busy night, he was next in line for OR, but still we were swamped, when I went to my locker room, no clothes, I stupidly took all clothes to dry clean, never did, and now there I was standing with bloody tee" she nodded.

"That rates above puke clothes though, I mean, puke makes me want to puke, I stay out of the pit as much as I can, but sometimes the best cases are found at least explored place"

"You have been puked on! I never becoming a doctor" Sheldon gasped.

"Yes you are!" She announced, glaring at the kid, and then turned towards me.

"Let's go for a walk?" She made order sound so much like a question.

"Right now?"

"No, I am taking appointment for tomorrow" she laughed at the own joke, I smiled and tugged her hair just for fun. I pulled her along with me and we started walking.

"Wait, let me take these off" holding my arm for support, she took her sandals off and then smiled at me, I smiled back, it was instinct, no matter what mood, she smiles a smile curved on my face immediately.

"What was her name?" She asked, who her? Did i get lost again?


"Web's sister that you dated"

"Mel" I said, she nodded and held my hand, our fingers laced among each other.

"Did you love her?" She asked, kicking the sand as we walked.

"I don't think so" I replied truthfully.

"Is she a blond woman?"

"Yes" when did she see her?

"She is ridiculously hot! Why did she dump you?" I laughed.

"She didn't"

"Man, why would you do that?" I scowled, she wants me with other woman?

"You want to see me with other woman? What the fuck babe?" I turned to face her, she kept walking.

"' worst nightmares are about losing you, it's going back to life with no you, but sometimes it feels like..I am alone in that position, you know? She is so beautiful, I saw you both talking the day I came here, you were smiling, and talking to her.." She shrugged her delicate shoulders and walked away, I grinned, it was rascal of me but at least I know we are on the same page. "You will always have her Cole, I just want to know what made you dump her" she spoke to me without turning around, I stood there. Watching her go.

"We were talking about you" she turned around to face me, her face look astonished, how can she not see it when everyone else can? "She asked me, why am I standing at the door like a dog waiting for his master to come back, I was smiling because I was talking about you, you daft woman!" She grinned.

"I knew it" she tried showing indifference, I laughed and walked to her, I took her in my arms. I sat down and she was forced to fall back, right in my arms.

"How can you not see it?"

"See what?"

"Every body knows"

"Knows what?"

"This thing" she threw me exaggerated look, I laughed and kissed the look off her face.

"But you must already know that"

"Know what?" She snapped, i chuckled and took her in my arms, I stared at the ocean, moon and horizon, I relaxed, how good it is to have everything in its place.

"Cole?" she whispered after a long while, I grunted.

"Do you know who you are?"

"Asshole?" She laughed and turned around, straddling my lap, she did her arms around me.

"No"  she replied, I pushed her hairs off her face, and kissed her, she pushed back and stared at me, oh yeah, who am I!

"Ercole Casanova?"





"No" she was having a full belly laugh, making me smile.

"No, Cole, you sure are those things but more than that you are.." She stared in my eyes, her gaze unwavering, like she wanted me to remember that, she wanted me to know how serious she was about this, whatever I was, I squeezed her cheeks, to make her continue.

"Mine, Cole you are mine"

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