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"Beck, did you pack everything?" I asked hugging myself, my lower lip wobbled.

"I will come back"

"I know you will" I snapped and then rushed to hug him. I cried like a baby.

"I will call you every time I can, will email you, will even write you letters"

"You promise?" I asked, patting his flat stomach.

"I promise, you won't even miss me"

"Yeah right, okay, your bus leaves in..2 hours, I'll go get ready"

"Two hours, Jamie! I can probably sleep for a little while" I rolled my eyes and glared at him.

"Sarcasm isn't appreciated Becky"

"Don't call me Becky"

"Don't act like a woman if you don't want me calling you Becky" he laughed and threw his hand around my shoulder.

"I am going to miss illogical arguments of ours"

"Illogical? Seriously! You are such an asshole! Just like Cole" beck laughed, and served me my coffee.

"You and Sheldon are in very good hands, I am not worried about you anymore"

"Anymore? It's my duty to worry about you, not vice versa. Do you have everything you can possibly need, clothes? Shaving kit? Everything?"

"Again, yes, why don't you go wake up your man?"

"He is my boy, my dear little boy" I said, grinning.

"Sure baby" Cole said as he came from behind me, he kissed my cheeks and picked up my coffee. He had a sip made a face and made himself black coffee

"Little? I got nothing little"

"Yet to prove" I snorted.

"Now? You want me to prove you now?" He asked, I gasped, beck whistled and left.

"You shouldn't talk to me like that in front of other people, yeah?"

"Apparently that isn't proper, eh?"

"Don't make fun of me Cole, I am going to have a shower..wanna join?" I asked Cole.

"Am I breathing?"


I sighed, and took a deep breath, Cole held me in his arms, he kissed me in my hairs. Tears fell down my eyes. Beck smiled and exhaled himself.

"This is it" he said, I nodded and touched his face. He took me in his arms and I held him, he held me close, in tight embrace.

"Eat well, okay? And always wear bullet proof thingy! Never take it off" beck rolled his eyes heavenward.

"Do I wear bullet proof helmet as well?"

"You were thinking of not wearing one!" I gasped, holding his hands in mine. He laughed and the stared at me, taking me in.

"You are one beautiful woman"

"I'll stay beautiful when you come back"

"Yeah, get a ring" he said, I laughed.

"You better be there when I get married not to Cole because he doesn't deserves me"

"Beck, careful, okay? It's difficult not impossible" Cole and beck shook hands. Beck hugged Sheldon and then turned back towards me.

"Be good, don't be illogical, do as Cole says and take care" I laughed and took out platinum chain from my pocket, it had a coin, with special Hindu markings, it will keep him safe.

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