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"Yeah, well I am having a party, invited couple of neighbours" I told my mother, as I picked up the grocery bag I just got from the Awesome store, the guy was mighty nice, helping me, also he got some other Indian after a long time so he said, someone he could talk to in hindi, he was happy alright, but didn't really gave me any "happy" discount, Indians I tell you. I started arranging the stuff I got.

"But you don't know anyone!" My mother scolded in Hindi, I grinned, and then huffed.

"Two are high school kids mamma, I don't think they are getting enough to eat, one is my landlady and her husband.." Very hot, drool worthy husband "..and then Andrew, he lives on the third floor, I think he was blushing the whole time we talked, then Mary Ann is a single mother who lives on first floor, her kid who is seven year old and very cute, although he was pouting the whole time I was talking to his mother, then this elderly couple, who live on the house beside Mary Ann's! Well, mum, let me tell you, how much of a trouble they went for me, telling me all about the crazy places I should not be going to!"

"I know one place I shouldn't have let you go to!" I snorted and then walked towards my bedroom.

"Ma, it's nice, I like this place, I won't be here a lot anyways, forever working, and then it's good to know your neighbours, just in case I need them, I need to know them"

"So you say"

"I am going to hang up because I want to get the place ready for guests, and myself as well"

"What are you going to wear?"


"Huh" I laughed at the disgruntled voice of my mother's.

"I don't have much of things unpacked, so I'll most probably wear, shirt and jeans" I lied, I was going to wear a dress but my very strict and cultured mother doesn't need to know that.

"Okay, take care"

"You too, tell papa and my doll, I love them" I hung up, grinning, I rushed to the bathroom to get ready, after a long shower and hard scrubbing, I walked back to my bedroom, after making sure every inch of my body was moisturised I wore lace panty and bra, and walked to the mirror, running my finger on my naked body, I stared at myself, I have so many weird marks on my body, this is probably from some tight bra I wore for too long, shaking my head I turned around and walked back to my bed.

I wore red dress and then combed my hairs, not tying them into a tight bun makes it a style for me, I let them fall so they can dry, I walked back to bathroom to apply kohl and mascara, and lip balm, which I always keep with me, I walked back to kitchen, when the first knock came, I rushed to open the door, and there stood Sheldon and his older brother beck, I opened my apartment door wide and turned around welcoming them in.

Beck and Sheldon looked alike in looks but they couldn't have been any more different than one another, they both have dark blond hairs, green eyes, where beck was nicely tanned from all the outdoor he must do, Sheldon had freckled all over, his face and body, they both wore jeans and tee, which looked like had seen better days, maybe so.

"It's a mess, but I just moved in" I grinned, beck smiled and Sheldon grinned huge, I like this guy, I motioned at the couch, I got with the apartment.

"Since I know you guys aren't 21 yet, you have two options..wait, make it three, warm milk, or cold really your choice, orange juice and cold drink"

"If you don't mind, I would like to have a cold drink" the boys seemed to have gone to much trouble, cleaned and wearing clean clothes, I was impressed.

"No, I don't mind at all, and while we have our pizza, you guys are going to drink milk, do I make myself clear?" Beck's eyes widen, anyone's would, the guy is 6 feet tall, build like a wall and I going to serve him milk with dinner, well it's going to happen.

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