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Rock-port, is my home, along with its 6 thousand and 756 people, give and take, beautiful scenery and best part? It is surrounded by Atlantic Ocean from three sides, it's never boring in the town, there's always something going on, and you are always part either you want to be or not, my father, judge Timothy Casanova before he resigned from his post as judge and opened a small legal office here- was also born there, got married in the same church his father did, my elder brother Carlos also got married in the same church.

   Judge and Mary gave birth to 8 casanovas, every time they hoped for a girl, never really got their wish though, they have 8 sons, ranging from 32-17, judge was son of a man who worked day and night so can provide for his family of one, yep, judge was the only child and he hated being the only one, he studied hard, worked harder, he would have a coronary if someone told him one of this 8 sons is sitting idle in a house, getting pay check, yeah he would.

"Why aren't you working?" Maggie asked as she walked towards me, I realised I was just staring at my laptop, not working, I closed the screen and stretched my legs.

"I have a..trial, tomorrow, I won't be back till late" I also have some other work.

"I thought you weren't working"

"I am not" I lied as I turned to face her, she was wearing a.."what the hell are you wearing?" I asked the woman, narrowing my eyes.

"Do you not like it?" She asked rubbing my arm, oh Jesus! I stood up and walked towards my room.

"Don't mix work and pleasure darling, never"

"But I need you! How long do you think they are going to keep us like this together?" Until your father is found or dead, I shrugged instead.

"Soon, maybe we can even date then" she smiled. She was an attractive woman, blond hairs, violet eyes, tall and amazing toned figure, but find her attractive as in I want to get laid with her, fuck no!

"You think so?" Like hell, dating woman like her? When hell freezes over.

"Yeah, I have seen you naked remember?"  She grinned.

"Okay, I think I will go out tonight then" I nodded walking to the room, which means no rest for me.

"You will be okay, won't you? Is your injury disturbing you or anything?" Her eyes on my jewels, I am going to kill my brother, gritting my teeth I nodded and patted the side of my inner thighs.


"I will switch on the camera, so I can look over even when I am not here" I smiled, and closed the door behind me, I lay on the bed and exhaled deeply, I check my room every night, to make sure there are no bugs in my room, the bitch is crazy, and my loving brother left me with her.

  I heard her doing every moment, when she opened her closet, rustling of clothes, shower, everything, I kept my eyes close, so hearing would be the only place I have to focus on, I felt my phone vibrate, didn't move though, she was in hurry, her moments fast and hurried, I heard her knock on my door and her voice murmuring she is off, and then the apartment door closed, I waited few minutes before changing my clothes, my clothes didn't even made rusting voice, attaching the bug my brother gave me so that he can have notification about every movement I make, I made my move.

  I jumped from my balcony, kids live here with their alcoholic mother, and abusive father, I held the railing and then looked around, opening the window of the dysfunctional family, I silently made my way to the door, as I was closing the door, I heard sheldon, crying, my hands froze on the door, turning I looked around, and then walked to the room, peeking from the opened passage I stared at the kid mending his bruises, he thinks he is alone, I probably should leave, and I did, left him alone with his misery, the kid has to learn to protect himself or everyone is going to be using him.

  I walked in shadows, I may be federal attorney for justice department, I was raised with 8 brothers, I know how to take care of myself, I trained with the best, but I am famous for my sneaking capability, I know not the best thing to be famous for but the victims never realise I am standing behind them, not until it's too late. I soon found my so called wife, Maggie, making her way through the night crowd towards the seedy side of the club, I knew it's finally time, finally she will see her father, we can catch her then, red handed, the bastard is makes my palm itchy, and I hate itchy Palm.

Nothing can stop me tonight, nothing, I patted my front pocket to make sure my bug was still there, I felt the uneasiness in Maggie before she turned around to look if someone was following her, I pressed my back against the wall, and then after few seconds I went back to street looking down, I looked towards the area where my wife was, I curled my hand around the nearest woman and pulled her me, side of my hood hiding my face, I knew I look like just any man, trying to get laid, the woman patted my junk and whistled in appreciation, I nodded and then walked away as soon Maggie started walking.

She entered the bar, I walked around the bar and checked the employees only door, sure it was open, the lock was a ten year old could open, pushing the door I walked inside, when my attention went to the red and blue light, damn! Fucking cops, what are they doing here? No fucking way, her father will be here, she will probably want to run away from  back door, I felt the door vibrate, movement on the other side of the door, more than one people running for sanctuary, I hid myself in the shadow and saw people run, many women as well, I saw Maggie make her way as well. Something's weird about this whole thing.

why would she wear colours so bright, if she is going to do something illegal, and something she probably would want to hide, this is the first time in 9 months we have been together that she made a move, probably, checking me out, wanting to test me, she probably has her doubts, why would they chose a detective to look after fed attorney? Who belongs to a family full of law men?

   I made my way back to the apartment, in the fastest way possible, same way I went out, I was in time, as soon as I went to bed, I heard her open my bedroom door and check on me, I am so freaking sure she is going to check the security camera, has she been keeping an eye on me? I did check for camera in the morning, never found any bug, nothing, what is her plan?

  I am going to have to be very careful, I will have to ask my brother to send some problem so she can feel like we still need to keep me safe, I stood up and walked out of the room, she was leaning against the bar, she looked up when I made a sound, I didn't want her to be surprise and jump me, not now, we gotta wait before she can jump me.

"You are back early" I exclaimed as I walked to the table to pick up phone, she smiled at me, like she was glad about something, giddy actually.

"Things came up, how did you sleep" I scoffed.

"I don't sleep, I was concentrating" she chuckled, I smiled.

"Well, did you focus enough?" She asked I grinned.

"Sure did, did you look out for someone following you?" She shook her head.

"I was careful, no one was following me, but we still gotta be careful, how long is the trial?" She asked.

"It's not about trial, it's about catching the man, you know my brother" she nodded, her expressions changed before she made it neutral again, I caught the change because I was looking her very carefully, it's a talent to stare at people and let them think, you are just looking them but thinking of something else.

"He is undercover, trying to catch the gang" never tell full lie, dance around the truth, not full truth but almost, when get caught you can also shrug and say, that's what I thought it meant.

"Hopefully he will" I met her gaze and nodded.

"I know he will"

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