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I stared at our photo, it was kept on the beside table, along with her night lotions and all, it was photo from the breakfast when I was pissed at her for wearing dress so short and so tight at the right places, we were turned towards each other, a small smile at her face, she was looking down but my eyes were at her.

Couldn't look away, how can I ever look away from a woman that beautiful? I will kill myself if something happens to her, what am I without her? Who the hell am I? Life without meaning and why live life with no reason, huh?

"Cole?" I heard my mother, I didn't look away, they all came as soon as they heard, they are making calls, sending search teams, but she is alone out there, 15 minutes back judge told me to go to bed because Sheldon needs his sleep and he wouldn't rest until I am resting, why is that?

"I don't know what am I going to do if she dies because I couldn't keep her safe mom" I said, I kept the photo frame beside me, on her pillow and stared at it, I felt my mom's arms come around me, she was hugging me.

"She isn't going to die because she is too stubborn, if you were kidnapped, you know what she would do?"

"Blame me for getting kidnapped?" My mother laughed, and brushed my hairs from my forehead.

"She would tear heaven and hell apart to search for you, I know you feel like hell and that your mind is full of ugly thoughts, but baby, you have to get over it, know that she is going to come back and when she does, this time you can blame her" I nodded and took a deep breath.

"I need to go over everyone we know in common, that may be connected to any of my case, thanks mom" I woke up but she pushed me back on bed.

"Rest for a while, you will feel refreshed after" surprisingly I did.


"Only people we know are from the building she used to live in"

"We check the building" Dillion said, Mason walked in the apartment with his iPad.

"I have something you would find interesting" he said, I stared at him.

"What is it about?"

"Last night, when we were interrogating Anderson"

"That SOB isn't my concern brother"

"Just believe me on this and listen.." He kept the iPad on table, and touched the play sign.

Anderson looked like had aged 20 years in prison, the old bastard deserve that, he was in orange clothes, shackles around his wrists and I am sure same treatment is been given to his ankle as well. He stared at the officer siting in front of him.

"I won't  tell you a word"

"You got some god lawyer hidden up in your sleeve Anderson?" Voice asked, Anderson snorted a vile voice, and then shook his head.

"My son..I don't want to talk about it.." The video ended. We all turned to Mason, we was looking at us with hope.

"What does it have to do with Jamie?" I asked, standing up.

"Son, Cole. He has a son! He probably lived in the building to keep an eye on you! Don't you see?"

"Fuck off! Anderson's son? In that building? I didn't knew Maggie had a brother, she never mentioned" I said, I would have noticed someone keeping an eye on me, something would have come up when I regularly checked for bugs.

"Chances are, she had no idea what he looked like, he has to be older, in his mid 30s to early 40, Anderson married 5 times, he could look like anyone of those bitches, question is."

"Who is it?" Dillion and Rick spoke together.

"So, he wants Anderson to be free.."

"He probably knows all about you, about dad and his influence"

"So Jamie was just chosen?"

"No, he would have seen you guys together, you remember when west and his drunk friend broke in?"

"Yes" why can't Mason be fast? So where can he probably keep her?

"She is in our old building! She is being kept there! No one would think about checking the building with so many civilians"

"I'll make a call for search warrant" I shook my head.

"That will warn them, I want them to be surprised, the building has 25 tenants, who can it be?" I said, thinking about where to start my search from.

"It could me my mother! You remember telling me about woman, who asked directions? Maybe she did so out of hate for Jamie, she always have been crazy!" Sheldon looked broke about the idea, Ottavio went to stand beside Sheldon, I nodded to let him know I appreciate it.

"You have any photo of your mother's? Maybe jag remembers him?" I thought to myself about each every man who lived in the building, capable enough to do something like this, as I went to my room, kept my gun and extra magazines in my pocket.

"I am going in" I spoke.

"You will need backup"

"No, Mason! I can go in there without getting seen, they will see you, the cop and will run the fuck away from there, I will press the buzzer if I need you, stay close"

"Alone? You aren't going in there alone!" Mason screamed at me, I stared at him head on.

"My woman has been with that pig for 19 hours now Mason, I cannot let him have her any more, I know what I am doing, we have done this before, just like Maggie"

"You were mentally stable than brother, that your woman in there, you may act without thinking!" Dillion was with Mason, I shook my head.

"You got it wrong, I will be more careful than usual because I need to bring back my woman, back to me, in one piece" I walked to the door, when a knock came and stopped me dead, did he send something else?

What if it's her? As impossible as it sounded, I wanted it to be true, I pulled the door open, a man in black suit stood there. "There's a woman downstairs, wanting to talk to you, she says she is Jean west and has something very important for you" I rushed down the stairs.

"That's my mother!" I heard sheldon yell behind me, I ran down 3 flight and came face to face with Jean west.

"Where is she Jean?"

"In the building" she replied, clutching the shawl in her hand, very tightly.

"How could you mom! She is our everything and because you..if she dies mom, I will kill you myself and stay in juvenile" I waved my hand, Jean isn't the one, that day, she eyes were full of guilt and love, she wasn't looking at Jamie like she wanted her dead, rather she had that look which said, she found her guardian angel.

"Who is she, Jean? Who has her?" I asked, my voice hoarse, she looked at me.

"Mary Ann, she has her..I was living with her, when I noticed her go out of the was weird, she never left her son alone but then she did and she..I saw her..that Doctor lady? She is fighting tooth and nail, wouldn't give up, keeps telling them what she thinks about them" I smiled, I didn't realize I was holding jean by her shoulder.

"Is she okay?"

"They used knife and..something hard to hit her, but she doesn't talks funny when she wakes up" I sighed, she is alive, but Mary Ann won't be..wait, did she say?

"Who is he, Jean. The guy who has her, who is he?"

"That boy who lived in apartment above yours.." My heart stopped.

"Andrew? It's Andrew? He is anderson's kid?"

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