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I entered the apartment and closed the door behind me, I sighed. It's good to be home after 3 days, I did miss home, it became home from just apartment in the small time, Jamie have been here. Three weeks that's all it took for Jamie to take over, she turned this apartment into a home, clutter which I hate but don't mind..much, but it's hers, part of who she is, and I accept her fully.

Photos hung on wall, apparently she has been in contact with Ottavio and he gave her photos from weekend, she had them framed and hang on the wall, photo of ours, my brothers, my parents, her parents and family, the whole place and turned into clutter of mess, clothes and shoes every where, i picked up the shoes and kept them in place, and picked up the clothes and kept them in dirty clothes hamper.

I walked to my study and saw my table was now full of medical books, colour pens, sheets and notes, I placed my laptop among the mess and then walked back towards the room, she got over her fears really soon, like she was glad it was off her chest, the bloody thing had been inside her room, touched her underwear? Mason and I have been trying to find a trail, nothing, he is better, better than we expected.

which brings us to my fear that someone professional is doing the stalking, they are difficult, more perfect but no crime is perfect, I will find the loophole and will get my hands on this man, I am going to beat him pulp first, ask questions later, I checked on beck, who woke up as soon as I opened his room's door.

"You are home" he said in his sleepy voice. I leaned against the doorway.

"I am, you packed?" He nodded, my eyes went to small bag kept in the corner, boy has balls and brains, he is going to be as asset for the army.

"I.." I stepped inside the room, he woke up, I sat at the foot of his bed. "I never joined army, but I know for sure its not easy, they are going to push you, beyond your boundaries, they will make you want to kill them and yourself and but you keep hold of yourself, got it?"

"Yes sir"

"When Nick called for the first time, he begged judge to let him come back home" beck smirked.

"Did he?" I shook my head.

"My dad didn't care what if he went to missions or not, but he didn't wanted him to drop out, losers give up, but you wouldn't, will you beck?"

"No, sir"

"You better not, you are going to be loyal to your men, you are going to make brothers out of your teammates"

"Yes sir"

"Make me proud beck" I clutched his neck in my hand and shook him. "You are going to kick everybody's ass who ever dared to doubt your capability, you will give your 100% to our country and most of all, you are going to grow up into a man your father could never be" he nodded I let him go and stood up, I was walking out the door when beck called me.

"Sir, my father is a very respectful man..father don't have to be man who helped me create, is he sir?"

"No beck, not necessarily" I smiled and walked out, closing the door behind me, I am going to miss this bastard, I took a deep breath and checked on the other one, he was still up, reading with lamp on.

"Why aren't you in bed?" He jumped high and then grinned at me.

"How was your trip?" He asked closing the book, and kept his glasses beside his lamp.

"It was successful, get into bed. It's late"

"Yeah" he whispered. I nodded and turned around to go back when I realised, Sheldon isn't asleep because he is lonely, his brother is going away, I sighed, when did I turn into this..caring human being?

"Why don't you go and sleep with beck" I said, Sheldon frowned.

"Why would I do that?"

"Because you are closer to my room and I am back after a while" Sheldon grinned and left the room, I grinned back, and finally walked to my own room. Taking my clothes off, I went under covers, Jamie immediately turned to me, I held her.

"You are home!" She whispered, her voice was hoarse and her eyes were swollen and red, she cried sleeping, did stalker..oh right, beck is leaving tomorrow.

"I am, how are you feeling?"

"Sick and sad, beck isn't ready to leave, he is a kid"

"Nick is as old as beck is" I told her.

"I don't care" She whispered against my neck.

"He is going to be fine, I am 28 years old and I am father to a kid who is 8 years younger than i am"

"You really worried about that?"

"I am just saying" I replied, she glared I smiled and hugged her.

"You are an amazing human being baby, really amazing, if it wasn't for hot little body, I would have fell for your character" I told her, she sniffed and then nodded.

"The moment you saw you were a goner"

"That's true" I grinned.

"It's took me time though, do you know, how difficult it is to explain yourself you know Is wrong but you can do anything about it, I was crushing on a married who would just stare and say nothing but married man! I called myself whore and slut and what not! And there you were laughing, enjoying, staring not talking"

"Not talking?" I laughed.

"It's not something you should be laughing about! I thought I was character less for thinking about a married guy! I am so pissed right now" and not crying, are you? I grinned and kissed her neck.

"I love you"

"I love me too! I am awesome" and she started laughing, I cupped her ass and rubbed myself against her, she gasped and did her legs around my waist.

"Say it" I kissed her mouth.

"No, you say it first"

"No" I bit her lip, and took my tee off from her body, damn woman looks better in my clothes than anything.

"Say it, baby, say it" she urged, as he kissed my collar bone, pushing me back she straddled my lap, rubbing her heat against my boxer, I groaned.

"Fuck me" I said breathlessly. She laughed.

"Now you're talking"

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