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"You have to believe me! Stop tugging me along Mike!" I snapped at Michelle whom we like to call Mike.

"Tugging you? I am not even touching you!" She pulled my sleeve again, I rolled my eyes.

"I don't want to eat the food, I just want to sleep!" I begged the woman, who did pull me along and then pushed me, I didn't wanted to fall, I had to hold on to bar. I did, and then got drunk, really drunk since manny was going to drop me home, he promised he would make sure I get into my apartment safely, and he is gay, I am as safe as I can get and got drunk.

"Manny!" I grinned huge as I took off my sandals, and threw them away and stretched my legs out the window.

"Keep your feet inside! A vehicle may come and cut it off"

"It's not one lane road silly" and then I giggled because well, I am smart! Even drunk I can kick ass. I hiccuped. And then giggled.

I kept doing that a lot, and snorting, weird noises.

"Why do you live here and not share room with someone?"

"Privacy I guess, also..I don't want to.." I grinned as thought my building led to thought of my land owner. "My building owner is so perfect, he makes me cry, literally! Worst part the stupid man is married! And not to me" I pointed at myself, I heard a chuckle.

"Sure thing, you stepped in USA a week ago, already married huh?"

"That's what I am saying! Not married!" I patted his hand and then opened the door; as soon as the car stopped, I stood up and realised I was bare foot, I grinned at my feet, no really, pretty little things! My babies!

"What are you happy about?"

"My feet! They are pretty!" I walked towards my apartment building, I walked inside and then stopped, what is that noise?

I frowned, what is that noise? I ran towards the source of the noise.

"Jamie!" I ran anyways; manny called after me but I ran towards the noise, of breaking, of yelling, God, why isn't anyone stopping it?

  My eyes voice was coming from sheldon's place! Oh god! My feet slipped but I felt a hand on my elbow.

"What is that noise?" Manny asked.

"I don't know! Call my landlord! He lives in 2B" I rushed towards the crowd where Mary Ann, mr and Mrs graham were standing there in their night clothes, I went near them.

"What's happening?"

"The father is home.." Mr graham said with no sympathy, I heard another cry, the man I don't know shook his head turned and started walking away; I stared at him, why is he going the other way?

  I banged the door, Mary Ann stared at me applaud, and then took few steps back, I shook my head again, why are American people like this? How can anyone ever close their eyes to the crime? I banged the door harder and again.

"Open up!" I screamed.

"Listen..child.." I banged the door again, ignoring the people, I banged harder and harder until, the door opened and there stood a man, looking crazy, with disheveled hairs wearing under shirt and pants, with belt because it was in his hands.

"What do you want lady!" My eyes scanned the whole room, sheldon sat on the floor, shirtless, my gaze went back to the man.

"What are you doing?"

"What do you want lady?" He growled again, I pushed him aside and walked inside, every one was just standing there, Sheldon on the floor; his eyes on floor, shoulders shaking.

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