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I toweled myself dry, and then wiped my hand at the window, oh god, it's quite cold in here, I covered myself in towel and walked out, Cole was leaning against the bed, reading something on laptop, all my clothes are with beck and Sheldon, and they are sleeping with Ottavio and his friends, having teenage fun and all, well since it's all cole's mistake I will have to take his clothes, I opened the closet and searched for a full sleeve tee.

"What are you doing?"

"I don't have anything to wear"

"You didn't bring anything with you?"

"It's in beck's bag"

"He brought along a backpack"

"Yeah, that one" I took out a tee of my choice and wore it, it reached my thigh, then I walked to bed with my toilet bag.

"That's it?"

"Yes, I was coming here for a weekend, right? I don't need much clothes, tomorrow I am going to wear one dress, then after that in the morning I'll wear jeans and tee, I bought a dress for the party" I opened my bag and dig in for my night cream and lotion.

"You are really cheap to handle" I snorted.

"You wish, I am high maintenance"

"No you are not" he countered.

"Don't tell me who I am, really Cole you force me to want to smack you" he picked up the bottle of my lotion and smelled.

"This is not how to smell" he told me.

"I know, you see, this is night cream.." I showed it to him, and then dig out my day cream and lotion. "These are my day cream and lotion" I informed him, he opened the bottle and smelled it, nodded with satisfaction. I opened my wallet and gave him the bandages I had.

"Hold them, I'll put them on you, after" I told him, he shot me a unidentifiable look, I smiled at him and started my nighty routine.

"What that mark on your knee?" He asked, I chuckled.

"When I was little, my father had a bike, I was standing real close to it and got burned from suspension, most of the mark on my legs are because of that burn, this one would have hurt the most I suppose, mom says I didn't start crying until she told me I am hurt" I smiled, he smiled back and kissed my cheeks.

"Tell me about yours" I asked he smiled, and pulled me near.

"I don't have that kind of patience"

"No, I am yet to put lotion, let me go"

"Maybe later"

"No" I whispered against his mouth, I should have known better, since when have the guy heard what I want to say or do anyways?


"No" I pushed the irritating sound away.

"Baby, up, every body is waiting for you at the breakfast table"

"You go as me" and I buried myself deeper in covers.

"I think they'll see the difference" a smile curved on my lips as I woke, and stared at the beautiful man.

"Yeah they will" I brushed my lips against his, he looked surprised, then he caught on, he kissed me back, I moved my head away.

"I need to brush, I smell bad"

"You smell like me" I smiled and woke up, stretching my legs.

"How much time do we have?" He looked at the watch and then answered.

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