Chapter 45

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I kept looking for people. Checking small houses and looking around. I heard the orcs trying to get in through the front gate.

I ran over to the top lookout and stood with the guard and shot at the orcs that were trying to smash the gate open.

The orcs began to chant something, as Trolls pulled some head over to us. They were going to try and smash the gate down with more force. And this time, they might succeed.

*Legolas POV*

The ships got closer and we waited for someone on board to see us.

"You may go no further." Aragorn yelled to them.

A man got up and looked over at us.

"You will not enter Gondor." Aragorn said.

I grabbed an arrow and adjusted it into my bow.

They all laughed at us.

"Who are you to deny us passage?" The man yelled.

"Legolas, fire a warning shot past the bosun's ear." Aragorn said.

I quickly did as I was told, pulling back the arrow.

"Mind your aim." Gimli said and tilted my bow another way, shooting the man next to the leader. I looked down at Gimli and so did Aragorn. I wasn't supposed to shoot anyone, just shoot next to the man's ear.

"That's it. Right. We warned you. Prepare to be boarded." Gimli said.

"Boarded? By you and whose army?" The man asked as the others laughed.

"This army." Aragorn whispered and the dead army quickly ran for the boats. Killing the Men.

Amara, we are almost to you.

*Amara POV*

The sky grew darker and darker, but the fighting did not end.

"Brace the gates!" I heard Gandalf yell.

I kept shooting arrows down at them. We would live to fight another day. I remember Thorin told me that.

He said we would live to fight another day. That day was seventy five years ago and I am still fighting.

I couldn't nor would I stop fighting.

I saw the head go through the gate.

"Oh no." I breathed and quickly ran down to Gandalf.

"You are soldiers of Gondor. No matter what comes through that gate, you will stand your ground." Gandalf said.

The gate opened and in came orcs and trolls. I quickly shot arrow after arrow, trying to stay far behind the soldiers.

"Amara, leave this place. Make sure they don't reach the great hall." Gandalf said.

I quickly nodded and rode away on Althea. Keep watch of orcs who enter the city and make sure none enter and take it.

I could hear the cries of men behind me, but I had to keep going.


The first level is taken. We have to keep going.

They are now shooting fire at the city.

I ran around on the second level, checking for more people who may need help.

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