Chapter 13

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I woke up early the next morning. It was still dark out.

I quickly bathed and put on some black leggings and a black shirt. Over my black shirt I put on a dark green tunic and my bracers. (Outfit always on side.)

I heard a little thump noise and already knew Melusine was awake.

I smiled and she walked over to me and sat on my lap.

"Good morning, my sunshine." I whispered to her.

She smiled.

"I'm gonna miss you, mamma." She said.

"I'm going to miss you too, honey. Mamma has to do this though. I need to make sure you are safe and sound." I said.

She nodded her little head.

I smiled again.

I gave her a bath and changed her into her favorite dress before pulling some of her hair back and putting on her little flower crown.

"I'm ready to eat." She said.

I laughed.

"You can go downstairs. I'm sure breakfast is out. I still have to finish getting ready." I said and pulled my hair back into a braid.

My braid was long. I sighed.

Melusine was still there looking up at me, before she turned around and walked over to the dresser drawer.

"Here mamma." She said and handing me some socks.

I thanked her and put them on. Then I grabbed my black boots and put them on too.

"Mamma, I've always wondered what was in here." She said and pointed to the chest that Dis had given me.

"Just some of my old things." I whispered.

"Can I look?" She asked.

I smiled.

"While I'm gone you and Aunt Arwen can look through it. Okay?" I said.

She nodded.

"And if anything is to happen to me, that chest is yours and I want you to protect it for me, okay?" I said.

"Yes, mamma."

"Thanks, sweetheart." I said and kissed her on the forehead.

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