Chapter 9

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We had gotten back to Rivendell safely.

I was reunited with my beautiful daughter, who hadn't been the same since I left. But slowly returned to her happy self again.

Arwen had taken very good care of her since I had been gone. I still couldn't believe I had been gone for almost three months. That was something I hoped I would never have to do again.

I kept thinking of Legolas. We didn't say anything. But our eyes exchanged a bunch of words.

I couldn't stop thinking of the way he looked at me. His face when he first saw me.

Soon April turned into May.

Then May to June.

June to July.

July to August.

August to September.

Towards the end of September Aragorn left.

He was going to the Shire. He had to get Frodo. Over these months I learned the One Ring had been in Bilbo's possession all these years. He left it with Frodo and now Sauron had sent out the black riders. They were going to kill Frodo if they found him with the ring.

If Aragorn wasn't back by sometime in the beginning of October, I will go find them.

Soon September passed into October and my fear arose. As did Arwen's.

Thankfully, Melusine kept us distracted.

"Arwen, if he isn't back anytime tonight, then lets leave early in the morning." I said.

"Yes. Get some sleep. I'll get Vynali to watch Melusine while were gone." Arwen said.

I nodded and picked up my little girl, who had fallen asleep on the floor.

I wrapped her in a blanket before setting her in her small bed in my room.

I quickly fell asleep after.


I didn't get much sleep. I kept dreaming about the worse things.

I quickly got up and bathed before putting on a dark purple dress. I pinned some of my hair back so it was out of my face, but it cascaded down my back.

I put of my silver circlet and grabbed my cloak and my weapons.

I went downstairs to the dining room and began to eat. Arwen joined me a few minutes later.

"You ready?" She asked.

I nodded.

I put on all my weapons, while she grabbed our horses.

Melusine slowly made her way down the stairs.

She rubbed her eyes.

"Mamma?" She asked.

"Hey, my beautiful girl." I said and picked her up.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Auntie Arwen and I are going to get Aragorn, we think he might be in trouble." I said.

"You're going to save him?" She asked, fascination lit up her little face.

"Yes." I said.

"Would you ever save me?" She asked.

"Of course I would. No questions asked." I said.

She smiled and kissed my nose.

I smiled at her and walked to the throne room with her in my arms.

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