Chapter 12

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*Legolas POV*

As soon as we all decided to go along with the hobbit to Mordor, everyone slowly began to disband.

Amara was the quickest to leave, as an elf maiden brought her a child. Was this child hers? Where was her husband or the father of the child?

I was very angry.

"Elrond." I said as calm as I could.

He looked over at me and then knew how angry I was.

He nodded and walked away. I followed him.

"What's going on? Why didn't you ever tell me of her return?" I asked him after we were in his study room.

"Legolas, there are many questions that you need answering. I know. Please listen." Elrond said.

I crossed my arms over my chest, waiting for him to explain.

"Legolas, Amara had been out of sight for fifty years. I don't have the slightest clue why she was gone for so long, but I assume it had something to do with you and what happened at the Battle. I didn't send word to you or Thranduil because I didn't want you to know of her return. I was afraid you would come here and try and speak with her and she would run again. My daughter had barely just returned to me and I wasnt about to lose her again." Elrond explained.

"You're probably right." I said while I paced.

He sighed.

"I would have come." I said.

"She's broken, Legolas." Elrond whispered.

"It doesn't seem that way. She's moved on and has a child. Throughout all this time, I still care for her. I love her." I said.

"That child is not hers. Amara is not the child's birth mother. She hasn't even talked about marriage or a significant other since her return. She still loves you." Elrond said.

"What do you mean that isn't her child? The girl seems to be calling her, her mother and Amara has not told her otherwise."

"Legolas, Amara went into the woods one day and found a woman. The woman and her husband were attacked by orcs. Her husband died trying to protect his wife, who was at the time with child. Amara heard her screams and killed the orcs, but that wasnt before the orcs had wounded the woman. By the time Amara had brought the woman into my care, she was already dying. She was pregnant though. After Amara saved her life she thought Amara could keep her child and raise her as if she was her own. Amara told her she would."

"Oh." Was the only thing I could say.

"You need to understand that Amara is still young. We both have no idea what Amara went through those years she was by herself. I know she loves you. I know she regrets leaving you, but I think she's okay with the choice she made even though it killed her inside."

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