Chapter 1

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*This is in the third person. I wont be going into Amara's or Legolas POV until Chapter 2. And if you haven't read An Arranged Marriage yet, I would suggests reading that before you read this story! This is its sequel! Enjoy:)*

I OWN NOTHING EXCEPT FOR MY CHARACTER AMARA AND MELUSINE. I have changed the plot, but it is based off of the Lord of the Rings. Please enjoy.


On the cold night of December 3, Legolas came home, hoping to see Amara waiting up for him, as he was late.

When he reached her room he slowly walked in to discover she was not there. He looked all around, searching. But she wasn't anywhere in Mirkwood. He went back to her room and found the letter. He read it quickly before running to get help.

"Tauriel!" He yelled, knocking on her door.

"Legolas?" Tauriel asked, shocked to see him.

Legolas showed her the letter.

"Oh my..." A whisper came from her mouth.

"We must take this to my father." Legolas said.

Tauriel nodded in agreement.

They rushed to Thranduil's chambers and showed him the letter. The next day on December 4, guards of Mirkwood were sent out to find her. Thranduil wrote Elrond a letter, telling him of his beloved daughter's fate.

A few weeks letter Elrond, along with his two sons, came to Mirkwood and packed all of Amara's things, taking them back to Rivendell.

In March of the following year, the guards of Mirkwood were commanded to stop searching. As nobody had heard or seen any sign of Amara.


Amara traveled within the trees, until she was finally on the borders of Mirkwood. If she kept going South she would make her way into Rohan, hopefully unnoticed.

And that was the way she went.

Everyday Amara thought about Legolas. She loved him so much. But she knew he needed to be with someone who didn't have any problems and was happy. Not sad. For almost two months Amara had dragged Legolas down with her. Both in terrible pain.

She knew in her heart she couldnt do that to him any longer.

She made her way into Rohan before going to Gondor. She stayed in Minas Tirith for almost 15 months, before she saw Elves there and quickly left. All the Elves of Middle Earth knew she had ran away and most of them were desperately trying to find her. They traveled all over Middle Earth, hoping to see him and reunite her with her family.

On the first anniversary of The Battle of the Five Armies, Amara visited the Mountain. Balin and all the others knew she had ran away from Mirkwood. While she was visiting, Dain sent a messenger to Mirkwood and Rivendell to let the Elves know where she was. But Amara knew what he had done.

A few days before the Elves came to the Mountain, she left again, back to Gondor.

The dwarves didn't see Amara again for four years. On the fifth anniversary of the battle, Amara returned again to pay her respects, but left the next day.

She lingered in Gondor for two years, before making her way to the Shire.


Legolas kept hope alive that he would find Amara, every few months he went to the mountain to ask them of her whereabouts. They hadn't seen her for years.

He knew in his heart that him and Amara were meant to be. He knew he couldn't and wouldn't live without her.

He would wait an eternity, if that meant that him and Amara could be together in the end. But everyday felt like an eternity and everyday his broken heart got worse. As did Amara's.

In the Shadows (The Lord of the Rings)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora