Chapter 32

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We were on our way to Helm's Deep. Legolas was in the front of the group, keeping an eye out. Aragorn, Gimli, and I were among the people. Gimli is all I could hear at the moment. Talking about dwarf women.

"It's true, you don't see many Dwarf women." Gimli said.

I instantly thought of Dis. How was she doing? Was she still alive? I wondered about how well she held up. If I lost my two sons and brother in old day, I don't think I would be able to get over it. But she is strong. I know she's okay.

"And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance that they are often mistaken for Dwarf men." Gimli said.

Eowyn turned around to look at Aragorn and I.

"It's the beards." Aragorn whispered to her.

I cracked a smile and petted Althea. I am so glad she would be with me for the rest of this journey.

"This, in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no Dwarf women and that Dwarves just pring out of holes in the ground." Gimli said.

Eowyn's laugh filled the air. 

"Which is of course, ridiculous." Gimli said. His horse suddenly ran forward and Gimli fell off. Aragorn and I immediately burst into loud laughter, while Eowyn ran to help Gimli up.

"It's all right. Nobody panic." I heard Gimli say.

Theoden was suddenly by my side. He looked over at Aragorn and I.

"I haven't seen my niece smile for a long time. She was a girl when they brought her father back dead. Cut down by Orcs. She watched her mother succumb to grief. Then she was left alone, to tend her king in growing fear. Doomed to wait upon an old man who should have loved her as a father." Theoden said.

I looked over at Eowyn, who was brushing the dirt off of Gimli, and then looked back at Theoden. I reached over and touched his hand.

"You can't do anything about the past, but you can do something about the future." I told him.

He smiled.

"Lady Amara, do all Elves have words of wisdom?" He asked.

"Depends, but I know what it must have felt like. Loving someone and then loosing them is one of the worst things imaginable." I said.


The sun was slowly going down. I wonder where Legolas is? I know he wants to keep us safe, but he doesn't have to keep watch every minute.

I sat with Aragorn on a log and we talked.

"It's early March." I whispered.

"I know." He said.

"It's been to long, I wish I could see Melusine." I said.

"She is safe in Rivendell. You are only doing what you think is best." He said.

I smiled a small smile.

I looked towards the people of Rohan, scattered around and making fires and bed for the night. Eowyn was walking towards us with a few things in her hands.

"I made some stew. It isn't much, but its hot." Eowyn said.

She slowly dipped a small bowl in the pot and gave some to Aragorn. 

"Amara, would you like some?" She asked.

I shook my head.

"No thank you, Eowyn. I already ate." I lied. Good thing I was an Elf or I would've starved.

In the Shadows (The Lord of the Rings)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat