Dreams really do come true

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I was just about to fall asleep when I was awoken by a huge crash from upstairs. "That couldn't of been Snowbell... Oh great did someone break in..?" Snowbell is my Husky, and she looked very confused, scared, and protective all at the same time. "Dangit! The one time I leave my phone upstairs someone broke into the house! This is just wonderful..." Snowbell was looking at me with huge puppy dog eyes, and I could tell she was worried about my safety. "*sigh*... Well, I guess I should go look... Snowbell you stay here ok? I'll open the window so you can run to the police or something if anything bad happens.." Our house is on the ground, luckily, and I care about Snowbell a lot, so I didn't want her to die, if the person in my house had a weapon. But, of course snowbell just went out of my room and waited for me to come. "Ugh fine, but if the person has a weapon and hurts or kills me, your going out this window! I opened the window, but heard someone going down the stairs. Snowbell was backing up to me and growling with her fur up. Then, I saw something I never thought I would ever see... It was a man, and he looked familiar.. And I instantly thought of Drago, my "trainer" in my Dragon Dreams, and then, I knew it was him... He spread his wings and held his hand out to me. "Come, your dreams are no longer just dreams, they are reality.." I was stunned, and I did the only thing I wanted to do.. Go with him. "W-wait.. How is t-this real?? Can Snowbell c-come too? I can't leave her behind..!" Snowbell was still growling, but it was a confused growl. "Of course she can come, as long is she does no harm." "S-she won't! Cmon Snowbell, this will be the best day.. Err.. Night of your life!" She tilted her head and with a happy bark, I knew she was no longer scared, but almost as happy as I was, that my dreams, my Half Dragon Dreams, were coming true.

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