Grocery Shopping

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Ashton POV

Kaydence fell on the ground when opened the door. "Are you ok sweetheart" I said helping her up and taking the tape off her mouth.

"Ow, and yeah i'm fine thanks Ash" she said. I sorta blushed when she called me Ash. It just came out so soft, so comforting. I liked it.

We finished untapping her and helped her up. "You girls are crazy" Michael said earning a little laugh from all of us.

"No were just friends" she replied. "Follow me" she continued down the hall back to the naked girls room and crossed her arms and started to count. "1, 2, 3". when she got to the last number a new girl and Jaonna came out. Stopping and looking a little afraid when they saw Kaydence.

Kaydence POV:

"So, i'm not mad but i'm starving" I started "So, guys would you want to get some brunch with us because its like 1". "Sure" everyone said. "Oh and we need to get some stuff from the store, could you guys maybe take us, we don't get our cars till tomorrow and we don't know where anything is so......"

I trailed off. "Sure, we have to go to the store to so its kinda perfect, Just get ready and we will come back in 15 min" Michael said while starting to walk down stairs.

"Wait" I yelled to Michael. "Yeah" he replied. I ran up to him and hugged him. You could tell he was startled at first because he didn't hug back. But the I whispered "Thank you" in his ear so that only he could here. 

He wrapped his arms around me accepting the hug  whispering back, "Your welcome". I let go and continued to do the same to the rest of the guys.

They left and I ran into my room to get ready.

I started with my makeup. A black cat eyed smoke out for eye shadow, the winged eyeliner, and mascara. I put on some matte red lipstick and moved on to clothes.

I went to my closet checking the time and saw I only had 2 minutes. I grabbed my black tights and my flannel and a black tank. I threw on my converse high tops and I was done.

I grabbed my wallet and phone and ran out the door. "Lets go guys" I yelled checking my phone. 

One by one they walked out the door. We walked down the stairs talking lowley about the guys.

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