Like Brothers

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"would you like to go out some time?" "I...." "She cant she has to take care of us". I turned around to Paul, Lamant, Camren, Sebs, David, and Daniel. "Really guys" I said with a smile as we walked away from the cart.

"What? We just want to protect our little angle here" David said as he squeezed my cheeks. 

We ended up walking to Hot topic and getting lost in conversation about random shit.

"There was no way you almost punched a girl at lunch" Camren said surprised. "Yes, I hate her so much and I hope she dies in a fire" I retorted back with a big smile. "Harsh much" Daniel said. "This is why I wish I woke up the girls".

"Listen I have to leave right now so I am going to tell you what I was suppose to tell you at the begging" I said shakily. "I'm sacred now" Paul mocked me.

"Shut up" I rolled my eyes and let out a little laugh. "I..... am..moving to....Australia" "WHAT" the guys said in unison. 

"Why didn't you tell me earlier" David whisper yelled. "Because I wanted to tell all of you at the same time, i'm really sorry" "Its fine we shouldn't be going crazy, but its just cause we love you like a sister" Daniel whispered at the end.

I hugged them all in a group and whispered "I love you too guys".

(Back home)

"Hey Bitch" Jaonna greeted me at the door. "Hey Hoe" we busted out into laughter. "Where did you go" Diana asked coming out of the living room. "Oh I just went to the mall to say goodbye to a few people" "Oh" Diana and Jaonna said together.

"Listen we are going to leave for our flight tomorrow so take a shower and get dressed then we can go eat and..."Wait why are we getting ready now, like you said we are leaving tomorrow" Diana grunted. 

"Listen, we are leaving at 8 am you can barely go to sleep at 8 am so we are going to get ready before so that we can wake up and leave" "GOOD IDEA" Jaonna said with sarcasm.

"Now lets go i'm hungry" i said while grabbing my keys and wallet. 

Thank you guys so much for reading and I hope you guys are enjoying the book. The 5SOS boys are coming in soon I promise. They are coming in, in a weird way. keep reading to find out!!!!!

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