Dear Jace: When I Last Saw You

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Dear Jace,

It seemed like it was just a few moments ago when you hugged me goodbye as we said our fair wells and you walked onto that plane. The same plane that is taking you to an unknown place that is going to change your life forever. Not only was I slightly saddened by your deployment, I was also delighted to finally see you for the first time, proudly standing in your uniform with the biggest smile on your face, and at the time, I couldn't help but to smile with you.

My smile has now faded because I know I shouldn't be writing this, but deep down inside, I wish you would stay, just for one more day with me. I know this is what you wanted to do your whole life, and I'm not going to stop you from achieving your dreams, but if only I could have one more second with you, just one I would be the happiest girl in the world.

I remember the day you took me to some fancy French restaurant and I had red wine, while you stuck with your good old fashioned beer. It was going the same way our other dates go, but even before you told me, I could tell in my heart that this was no date, it was something different. I can still feel the touch of your hands as you took mine and intertwined them with yours. Your exact words were, "I've been wanting to tell you this for the longest time," You sighed, knowing what you were about to say would be troubling, "but I didn't know how you would react, or if you would be mad at me or what, but Clarise, I love you so so much...and I...well I want to join the Army. Please don't be mad at me for this, because I know you won't be able to see me as often as you would like, but I promise I would write to you every chance I get. I love you." At it was at that moment when you confessed your me. And that was when I knew that I truly loved you, no matter what you do because I wasn't mad at you at all, I was happy that you were doing something with your life that could make a big difference in the world instead of throwing it all away.

With the greatest love,

Dear Jace | U.S. ArmyWhere stories live. Discover now