Vincent and I both growl at him. Trevor looks at me in shock, as the others give me a look of fear. Vincent snarls and places me on the earth's ground. Dirt lightly scraping my skin and Vincent drags me to a big oak tree near us.

"Oh, fùck. That shít hurts!" I cry out, especially because Vincent was dragging me by my hair and it hurt like a bítch.

"Shut the fùck up, you scoundrel!" he snarls before me. I wince a little at his harsh words, my wolf whimpering at the back of my mind.

Once we reach the big oak tree, he sits me on the ground just beside the tree and ties a rope —I have no idea where that appeared— around me with the tree.

"Is this necessary? I mean, just because I called you a heart -"

"Will you shut up?! This is why I didn't want a fùcking mate. They ruin you and ask so many questions," he says angrily, not giving me a single glance. I roll my eyes, denying the fact that my eyes were starting to water.

Was this how rejection felt like? Because it hurts like a knife stabbing your heart more than twice, then taking it out and stabbing it more.

"Hand me the gun," Vincent orders Trevor. Trevor gives him the "what the fùck" look.

"B-but Alpha... She's our Lun -"

"I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHO SHE IS! SHE DESERVES TO DIE!" he roars, making everybody around us flinch. Even me.

That's it, my heart has shattered into a million pieces. Vincent Salvatore, you have ruined me. I guess you're right. Having a mate does ruin you. I watch as Trevor hands the gun to Vincent, and then turning to me. He gives me a look of pity. How great, note the sarcasm.

Vincent walks over to me, with the gun in his hand.

"Any last words?" Vincent asks. I can see his slight smirk.

Is he seriously gonna kill me just because I called him names? Damn, my mate has some anger issues that he needs to fix. Words of my father came to my mind.

"When someone's about to kill you... Look them in the eye and say, "Go ahead."

I smirk, noticing as this is my turn. I look up to his dark black eyes. Oh, you're so going to get it, Vincent. I look up to his eyes, giving him a blank look.

"Go ahead," I say unemotionally. His eyes show disbelief, and yet he raises his right arm, the gun aiming to my forehead.

"Do it," I pressure. He growls I feel the gun shake just above my forehead.

I look up to his eyes and they show hurt and sadness. I stare at him in confusion and disbelief. No way can he be feeling this way towards me. Just a few minutes ago he wanted to kill me. Vincent snarls and looks away. He turns to Trevor and shoves the gun to Trevor's chest.

"Keep that thing away from me," Vincent says, motioning to the gun. Trevor nods, looking at me. I nod, reassuring that I'm okay.

"Get up, we're going," Vincent demands, his voice a little softer than I expected. I had noticed that the ropes have been cut off me and onto the ground.

Great, I thought. I feel so much better.

My hand reaches up to my biceps, slightly rubbing them since the ropes were tied there. Very harshly, may I add.

"Amelia," Vincent's voice interrupts.

"We're leaving," he says, reaching out his hand for me to grab. I stare at it intensely. What if he strangled my hand as he did with my bicep?

Ah, fùck it. He did try killing me and failed. Probably 'cause of the mate bond.

"Or a little convincing," Emily chips in.

"Uh, bye boo," I say, shutting her off.


We've finally arrived at Vincent's house, well, more like freaking castle. It's actually a big mansion but it looks like a big aśs castle.

"Great, now where do I live?" I ask, hoping out for the car. Vincent gets off after me.

"What?" He asks, his eyes full of amusement. I scoff. I don't have time for games.

"Where's my room? Do you know? Where I can sleep, wolf —another way of saying "pig out"— out, shower, sleep again." I say, in an obvious tone. He lets out a burst of loud laughter.

"Princess, you're sleeping with me," he smiles, it's not a big smile, but almost everyone that was outside the mansion noticed his smile.

"Look! The Alpha's smiling."

"Who's the girl?"

"Is she the Luna?"

"Oh my god!"

People around us were murmuring stuff about me and Vincent, which I didn't care much about. Just as I was about to go towards the house, a big yawn escaped my mouth.

Vincent chuckles.

"Aw, you tired?" he asks, sweetly. I shake my head.

"No, didn't I sleep during the 3-hour car ride?" I ask another yawn flies out.

"Oh, right... But you're yawning, Princess. Let me take you to our room," he says, grabbing my hand. A giddy feeling crawls up to me as he said "our".

We finally reach the mansion and two guards open the doors for us.

"Welcome back, Alpha Vincent," one of them greets.

"Hello to you, Riley," he responds back.

Taming the Big Bad AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now