"Moriko?" the wolf heard someone speak to her.

"Hello Koku," Moriko greeted her old friend.

"Moriko, why did that fucking bastard have to die? How could he leave me here like this?" the demon questioned, falling into the wolf's arms and crying. Moriko did not know what to do to console her friend, so she sat there silently. Finally, they sat down and wept together, going over the memories they had of their treasured friend. The mourning was good for them, and it helped them.

Enki stood after that, "Right everyone, I think that's enough grieving for one day don't you think? And besides, I think we all had another reason for coming here today. They all nodded, and got up to their feet. They turned to face Yusuke, "Hey! Raizen junior!" Moriko smiled at that name, "Guess what? We're all going to enter your tournament!"

"I'm warning you though, I'm not going to go easy on you. I don't care who you are, I'll kick your ass," said Koku. She then turned to her husband, "And the same goes for you mister, I'm not cutting you any slack."

"I'd have it no other way darling, all's fair in love and war," replied Enki. He stood in front of them, "Let's make this tournament's so brutal it makes Raizen roll over in his grave jealous. What do you say?"

"YEAH!" they shouted in unison. Moriko felt proud at this moment to be here. They then all powered up. It was incredible, it was exhilarating. The power they sent up between them was immense. Moriko thought that maybe she wasn't up to step with them. But she knew she was, she wasn't overwhelmed by them, she felt apart of them. Finally, it was over. She calmed down her powers along with the rest of them. She felt much better now, as she was sure that the rest of them did. They began to disperse, getting ready for the tournament, no doubt. She walked to her brother and mate, who were staring at her in shock and appreciation.

"That was incredible San! I had no idea your powers developed so much!" exclaimed Yusuke excitedly.

"I did get some training in the past year that I was trapped," she replied.

"Your powers are immense, beloved. I'm happy you learned how to control them. You conceal them beautifully," said Youko.

She smiled at him, "Thank you."

"Man, I hope I get to fight you in the tournament. I haven't had a good fight with you since my training with grandma," said Yusuke.

"It will be a lot different this time, Yusuke. You have never fought me in my true form."

"Oh yeah, that's right. I suppose I should be calling you Moriko, right? That is your name."

"Wolves have no need of names."

"Uh... Okay? So what do I call you then?"

"Moriko or San, it does not matter. I am the same, no matter what I look like or what name you call me."

"Is she always this cryptic?"

Youko chuckled, and that surprised Moriko, "You have no idea."


"It's the way of the wolves to be cryptic, Yusuke," said Moriko.

"That still doesn't even make any sense!"

"It doesn't have to."

"Alright, fuck it. I'm just happy to see you two are alright. You gave everyone quite a scare when you disappeared last year. What happened?"

"I am unsure about it. All that matters now is that I am free. But you. You have improved greatly this passed year. I am deeply sorry about your father."

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