The Past Can Hurt

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I had always been fast so I didn't think training would be hard. I loved to run, but I wasn't expecting this. Barry showed me to a treadmill, "Cisco invented this treadmill to withhold my speed. You should be fine, and of course you're not as fast as me but I thought that it might help you get faster." I nodded looking at the treadmill trying to take it all in. "Nice, so do I just go for it or..." I trail off and Barry nods.

I walk over to the treadmill and start to run. I ran my and it felt good, in these past weeks I hadn't had time to do the things I usually do. Running was always one of my favorite things to do in my past time, that and dancing. I had lost track of time so when Barry came in I was surprised to see that I had been running for almost an hour. I slowed down and the eventually stopped, I hopped off and sat down on the edge of it. Barry sat beside me and looked down, "I've been thinking lately, I realized that we don't really know each other. I mean about our pasts." I look at him, he was right we didn't know about each others past. Instead of saying something I nod. "So anyway I was thinking that we could talk and get to know each other better," he goes on and even though I knew he was right I was afraid he wouldn't like me if he knew about my past. But I also knew that I had no other option but than to agree.

"What do you want to know?" I ask looking down. I wasn't able to meet his eyes because my past was a hard thing for me to talk about.  "Anything," he tells me.

"Well, there's not much to tell really, but I'll tell you as much as I can," I start in. "My mother and I, we were very close. She was my rock, I could always count on her. She put me in dance class and it would be my favorite part of the day. I haven't really danced much since she died, but still somedays I will go to my old studio and just dance. She also put me in gymnastics that's where I learned a lot of my flexibility skills. After she died I went down a darker path. Started to pig pocket and steal things. I started to hang with a rougher crowd, get into fights. I did things that my mother would be ashamed of me doing. " I finally look back up at him and smile, "What about you? How did you turn out to be the great hero you are?" Now it was Barry's turn to talk and my turn to listen. So I turned to face him and he seemed to go somewhere that only he could see.

"I've always been running for as long as I could remember. I didn't just walk when I took my first steps I ran. My mother was murdered when I was 11 years old, and as it turns out the guy who killed her was the man I had idolized, a man I saw as my friend. But he was using me, and he had his own bucket of lies. He was the man they called the Reverse Flash. I got my speed when the particle accelerator blew up. Along with a lot of other meta- humans. Harrison Wells, or Eobard Thawne was his real name took me under his wing and helped me get faster only it wasn't for my benefit it was for his. Iris, her boyfriend his name was Eddie, he killed himself because Thawne was from the future and if Eddie died so did he. It opened a singularity, black hole, that was sucking Central City in. I closed it with the help of Ronnie. He almost died in the process. The Harrison Wells you know is from a different earth. It's all very hard to explain." Barry seemed to come out of his little world, he looked at me and tried to smile but I could tell that it was as hard for him to talk about his past as it was for me to talk about mine. "We've both had a hard past," I whisper and lay my head on his shoulder. 

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