18 September 2014

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She loves me! She loves only me. How could I be so stupid back then? And even today? This is disgusting! I am so mad. 

I almost lost her because of my stupidity. It is only because of her that I remember a few parts of my life. It is only because of her that we do have chances of getting back together. It is only because of her that I am no longer a stranger for myself and that I have changed.


Mom is leaving today and Elena is going back with her to Florida. She is very much better now. She won't be living there forever but for now she wants to go there and relive some of the best moments of her life. She wants to live the last days of her life to the fullest. It's true that we don't if these are her last days but this is the kind of fear that cancer brings into your life - the fear that maybe tomorrow will be your last day.

"Ma I won't to come with you."

"When have I stopped you?"


"You are scared, aren't you?"


"Yes. You are scared of facing your old life again; you are scared of going back to the place which has so many memories; and above all you are scared of facing Emily."


"It's alright son. Take some time and get acquainted to your new -old life. And when you are sure about facing her, your heart will drag you there."




I rushed to the door to get my letter with a hope that I'll get to read Emily's words.

"Good morning sir!"

"Hi Peter."

Without saying another word, he handed me the letter and walked away. 

I took out the letter from the envelope and my face lit up when I noticed that it was Emily's handwriting.

Dear Stranger,

Hey! How are you? I am good now just my head hurts a bit and these people have inserted too many needles and have forced me to stay here. 

By the way what did I write to you the last time? And wait. When did I write to you last? I don't remember it exactly. These medicines are killing me. The doses are so high that I feel weak most of the time and I just feel like sleeping the entire day. Moreover, I forget things so easily. 

Anyways, aunt Cara told me that she told you about the thing that I wanted to tell you. Ethan. 

What happened that day was completely wrong and I haven't met him since then nor will I ever do in the future. But trust me, I didn't like what happened; I just hated that so much. Because the only person who has the right to touch me, to feel me and the only person who owns me is you. Nobody has affected me the way you have done. 

What I feel for you is the truth and it is bound to stay with me for as long as I live. 

I love you and only you. 

I am sorry.

Come back to me!



I will Emily.

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