26 August 2014

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Is there anything like true love? 

Is it really possible to love someone so much that you could die for them?

Is love powerful enough to conquer everything else?

And is it like you never hurt the people you love?

Wrong! Absolutely wrong!

There is nothing like true love and nobody dies for others except the soldiers. And there are other things which are way more powerful than love. And I believe that you hurt them the most whom you love.

But wait. Why was "I" thinking about stuff like love? There is no way I am going back there after what Elena did to me!


I rushed to the door to take my letter. I don't know why but today I was very eager to read what she had written. I wanted to know everything about her stranger.



He gave me the letter and I quickly closed the door.

Today there was the letter along with some.....drawings?

Dear Stranger,

I didn't want to send these drawings to you and actually I didn't. I mean I have send you the xerox copies and the original is with me. There is no way I am gonna lose them! 

So do you remember the stories related to these drawings? I know you don't and so here I am to tell you about each one of them.

See the first drawing - the one with a tree structure?  We had together made this when you came at my place after we fell in love. That is our family tree. It goes up to 3 or 4 generations after us. I still remember how you'd said at that time that even our grand grand grand kids would know about our love. I'd really like that to happen.

The second one i.e. the drawing of a girl (or at least that is what you said but it didn't look like one) is the one you had made during our art classes. The teacher had asked us to make sketches of the things that we love the most. I had drawn a sketch of my teddy bear Koku but you had made a sketch of me. To be frank that sketch was literally the worst but that is the painting I love the most! I couldn't help but cry that day after seeing the sketch.

The third and the last one i.e. the one in which two hands are holding each other, is the one we had together made. It was your idea. We were at your place to study for our language test but we ended up cuddling in your bed and making this sketch. You had said at that time that you'll hold my hand for as long as your hands are alive. 

These little things had made me to fall even more for you. I can't help but cry every time I see them. 

I hope you remember about these stuffs. 

I love you. 



The drawings are pretty awful though.

Playlist - I did with you by Lady Antebellum

From A Stranger | ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz