15 September 2014

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After reading Emily's letter yesterday, I haven't sit down for a while. I have been annoying my mother by asking her for Emily's number. I wanted to ask Elena as well but you know she wasn't in a position to say something. 

Only one thing kept playing in my mind - where did the blood come from? What if somebody hit her? What if she is kidnapped? What if.... I lose her?

"Jer, she'll be alright. Trust me."

"No mom! I cannot be calm! I need to know what happened! I don't even know if I'd get a letter today or not. If I don't get one...."


The letter!

I rushed to the door to open it at once.

My heavy chest relaxed a bit when I saw Peter standing in front of me with Emily's letter in his hand.

"Good mor..."

"No time for good morning today Peter! Just give me the letter."

He quickly handed me the letter and I rushed inside the house to read it.

When I opened the envelope, I saw a letter along with a photograph. What I saw on the photograph was the last thing I'd wish to see. Emily was lying on a hospital bed and her head was covered with bandages.

I immediately took out the letter and noticed that it wasn't her handwriting.

Dear Stranger,

Stranger? Oh f**k with the stranger thing! Hi baby! How are you Jer? Shocked right? You must be wondering who am I writing this letter to you instead of Emily and how did I get that photograph. Right?

Well, don't worry baby. I'll answer all your questions. 

So the first thing that you should know is who is this person writing the letter. Well, it's me Samara. SURPRISE!!

Secondly, if you are wondering what is Emily doing in the hospital then you should thank me for that. You see your baby girl isn't that smart to lock her house even at night. And when I came to know that I just broke in. And trust me, I didn't do much of harm to her ; I just hit her with a rod. 

I actually thought that she'll die as nobody was there to take her to the hospital but the God favored her a bit and her tenant helped her and brought her to the hospital. When I came to know about this, I rushed to the hospital and pretended that I was her friend. And that was when I clicked this picture. You like it baby?

Oh Jer! I told you that you'd regret your actions, didn't I? See what you've done baby. 

Oh I forgot to tell you your story dear. But I guess this much is enough for you to know for now. 

Go and pray for your Emily. We'll see if she sees the sun tomorrow or not.

Take care honey!

I love you more than that bitch.



No! Just no! I can't let her die. 

GOD! Please save her!

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