30 August 2014

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She knows my music taste, she had a t-shirt that fitted me perfectly. Her activities kinda affect me but I don't remember a thing about her. I don't even know her. And I am very sure I haven't met her ever.

Emily isn't the only thing that is troubling me. What Elena wrote in her letter that day is making things even worse. How can she even say that she is my sister?! I remember her very well ; her hazel eyes, brown hair, that breathtaking smile, her soft cheeks, those red lips and the way she loved me -I remember everything!


Must be the letter.

As I opened the door, I saw Elena standing on the doorsteps.

"Hi Jer."

"Umm.... what is it Elena?"

"Will you listen to me please?"

"Come in."

As I was about to close the door, I saw the postman coming.

"Good morning sir."

"Good morning Peter."

"Your letter sir. Have a nice day."

He walked away and then I closed the door.

"What is it?"

"None of your concern Elena."

"A letter? From whom?"

"A stranger."



I took out the letter from the envelope. Today there were some chits along with the letter. I took them out and each one of them had a quote written.

"Pain demands to be felt."

"I don't know any perfect people. I only know really flawed people who are still worth loving."

"You are so busy being you that you have no idea how utterly unprecedented you are."

"True love will triumph in the end, which may or may not be a lie but if it is a lie then it's the most beautiful lie we have."

"Maybe there is something you're afraid to say, or someone you're afraid to love, or somewhere you'r afraid to go. It's gonna hurt. It's gonna hurt because it matters."

"What are these Jer?"

"I don't know."

I unfolded the letter to read the story behind this.

Dear Stranger,

You must be thinking why have I given you these chits with a few "positive" words written on them. Before I tell you the story ,tell me did you figure out the linkage between them? Of course not. Well, all these quotes are written by my love (after you) John Green. I hope you remember how much I adore him. Anyways, coming back to the story of these chits.

Do you remember about the days when you had lost faith in yourself? The time when all you wanted to do was to stay inside your room? Those were the worst days of your as well as my life. You were never the weak one. You always had the strength and courage to fight every single problem of your life. But you couldn't take it when your father was arrested for smuggling drugs. You couldn't take it when your sister's husband had killed his own child. You couldn't take it when you saw your mother begging in front of the officers to leave your father. I still remember the way you had become. You cried to yourself, didn't ate a thing. You refused to meet anyone. But thank god you let me in. I kinda broke when I saw you that way. 

That was the time when I had stuck these piece of paper in your room. I used to be with you day and night. I read stories to you which made you smile. You still cried every night but at least you did it in front of me. I used to bring a new thought everyday and that did bring a change in you. You got your confidence back. And you helped your mother and sister to face their problems too. I was so proud of you back then. And I am still proud of you.

So these chits are just to remind you that we had promised to face the problems together and that is what we used to do. 

I love you stranger.

Take care.



"Do you have a child Elena?"

"He was murdered."

Hello everyone! This was a bit longer chapter, right? But I hope you people liked it. 

I am sorry for doing these things again and again but I have finally decided to shorten the time span to 2 months. I hope you people understand. I don't have a problem in writing 90 letters and it's not like that I am out of words or something but it's just that I have to take care of other things in my life as well. I am really sorry.

Playlist - I'll follow you into the dark by Death Cab for Cutie

Thank you so much for your love and support! I seriously owe you guys a lot. 

Keep smiling.


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