11 August 2014

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It was evening now and the weather out was too hot for me to handle. Moreover, I had a fight with the owner of the shop. It was his day today as I didn't had something with me or else I swear I would have killed him. 

I went to my room to take my anti-depressant pills. Just then I remembered that I hadn't read the letter today. I rushed down to the entrance to look for the letter. 

"Where the f**k are you?!"

This letter was getting on my nerves. I couldn't find it anywhere around. All the things in my house were messed up by now. 

When I was about to leave, I saw the envelope lying near one of the flower pots. 

Today it was just the letter and no gifts. 

Dear Stranger,

How are you doing love? I won't write much today as I am too tired. I had to go around the city to look for a new house and plus I had to visit my mother and father as well. It had been a long time I went to the graveyard. I just couldn't find the time to. 

By the way, I met your mom today. I didn't know she was here in North Carolina.I thought she lived with you there. Anyways, it felt so nice to meet her. But she didn't seem alright. Is she ill? I asked her to take care. I don't know why but she flinched when I asked her about you. Maybe because she knew that you and I had a little fight. 

Talk to you tomorrow now. I am staying at a hotel nearby. 

I love you. 



Let's go to sleep.

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