4 September 2014

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3 diaries. 1078 pages. 24 hours.

Yes. I had finished reading her diaries in just 24 hours. Since the time I got them in my hands and read the first page, I couldn't help but read the entire thing. And to be true, these were the most beautiful and painful things I have ever read.

I couldn't help but cry after reading how she used to cry every night after the loss of her parents; how she had started taking drugs in between but then stopped and how she had spent countless nights without sleeping just because of me.

Maybe I don't remember a thing about what had exactly happened but there is one thing that I know now - I loved her. 


It must be Peter.

I rushed to the door to take the letter from him.

"Good morning sir! Here's the letter."

"Hi Peter. Thanks."

"Have a nice day sir!"

I closed the door and sat on the floor to read her letter.

Today there were some photographs along with the letter. I took them out and couldn't help but smile.

Those were the photographs of Emily and.....and me. There were a number of them. In some she was kissing me, in others we were hugging each other; some had the memories of a hill trip captured while others told stories about a beach trip. In a few, I had my mouth covered with chocolate while in others I had make up on. 

Dear Stranger,

See these photographs? They were the best ones from our collection. I love all of them but these hold a special place because each one of them tell a new story about us. 

Do you remember our trip to Mt. Rushmore? Aunt Cara had taken us there when I was 16 and you were 17. It was so much fun! It took us 30 hours to reach there from Miami. We had enjoyed so much there.

Did you see the ones in which you seem more like a 5 year old kid? GOD! Those are my favorites. You look so cute in them. And the ones where your face is full of make up? I remember you had become so furious after I did that when you were sleeping. But it was fun. 

There is no doubt about the fact that those were the best days of my life. All the time that I spent with you, every minute, every second is really the ones I cherish the most. You were no less than an angel. And I am thankful to you for everything.

I know you still love me and that you'll always do. And so I am waiting for you to come.

Come back soon. 

I love you, Jeremy.



Maybe I love her even today.

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