"And how you've been breaking curfew every single night for the past two weeks," Kelly smirked and I blinked, shaking my head, anger bubbling in my stomach.

"Why?" I asked quietly.

"Why what?"

"Why are you doing this?" I said through my teeth. "Are you jealous?"

Kelly laughed. "Me? Jealous? Of you?"

I clenched my fists at my side, finding myself near tears, hating how weak Kelly made me feel. I knew I couldn't risk my surfing for Drew, and I closed my eyes, shaking my head slowly. "Fine."

"Wonderful," Kelly flashed me a smile, crumpling up the papers in her hand. "I look forward to it."



I have to be honest with you. You deserve that much.

I can't do this anymore. I need you to leave me alone, I need you to stop talking to me, to stop trying to make whatever this is work. Because it won't. None of this will work.

I just don't like you.

Not like that.

I never did.

I'm sorry.



"You're avoiding him."

"Of course I'm avoiding him," I stuffed a towel into my backpack. "How am I supposed to face him?"

Abbi stared at me. "I can't believe you're letting her do this to you."

I swallowed, glancing up at Abbi. "I don't have a choice, Ab. She could end my surfing career. And I've already lost Jenna over this, I can't just...stop now."

Understanding filled Abbi's eyes and she nodded. "I get it. When are you giving him the letter?"
"Well I'm not going to see him today," I said. "I guess I'll give it to him at school or something."

"Did Kelly proofread it?"

"Shut up," I glared at her, picking up the obvious sarcasm in her voice. "I can't let Drew continue being a distraction. He's causing too much drama."

The corner of Abbi's mouth turned up in a smile. "You really like him."

My cheeks flushed but I spun, zipping my bag shut. "I really need to go surf."

"Fine," Abbi shook her head. "I need to work on chemistry anyway. Kill that 360."

I grinned, slipping through the door and heading to my car. I needed nothing more than a good surf, and I knew exactly where to go to be as far away from Drew as possible.


I had nailed it on that ride.

For the first time in a while, I was feeling good about my 360. I had managed to land it four times today alone, which meant I could use it to get to the championship. I just had to keep working on it every day, making sure the move looked effortless. While also attempting to sharpen my other skills.

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