"What?" I ask, confused.

He smiles evilly and takes a step forward with his long legs. I take a step back and lift my arms up in defence.

"We are going to a ball."


"I can't even breathe" I yell as the maids fit me in a corset.

I was in Dante's room getting fitted for my dress for the ball. I have no idea what all this was but all I know is that Dante dragged me into his room with two maids ready to suffocate me.

"Oh stop whining, my mother wore these every day," Dante says bored.

Yeah well I'm not your mother, ass muncher.

"You look lovely miss" the young maid with bright red hair compliments.

"Yes miss, you already have a tiny waist so there's really no need for a corset" the older maid adds.

My eyes light up and I immediately ask "can I not wear it then?"

The maids look at Dante who was sitting on his red velvet couch, texting on his phone, for his opinion and I look at him with big hopeful eyes.

He looks up from his phone with narrowed eyes and looks at my waist. I pout and lock my palms together.

"I guess she doesn't need a corset."

I yell in delight and put my hands up in joy. I was only in a sports bra and Spandex shorts but since Dante was gay I didn't really care.

"But no dessert."

I stop midway in horror and look at Dante, "what?!"

"I still want to see those abs when we come back," he says, going back to his phone.

I grumble profanities under my breath and the older maid scolds me for such language.

"Roxanne. Get the dress" the older maid says to the cheerful redhead.

"Of course!" She runs off into Dante's closet and brings out a long dress bag.

"What's this ball even for?" I ask bored, while the older maid measures my upper body.

"Put your arms out" she orders. I do as I'm told and look at Dante impatiently.

"It's for all the gangs across America to celebrate and relax" Dante explains. "Unfortunately it's compulsory and I don't trust you alone with limitless guards."

Smart man.

His hair was gel backed and his striking Italian features were standing out. He looked good.

"Can you stop checking me out" he grumbles. "I swing for the other team."

"Ha. Ha. Ha" I laugh sarcastically.

The maid touches my ribs, making me flinch and pull away.

"Don't you eat?! Your ribs stick out!"

"Hands off," I say, angrily. Do not touch my ribs.

She completely ignores me and slaps my back playfully. I lurch forward as she crackles. I glare at her and huff my newly washed and dried hair out of my face.

Bad Boys Kidnapped Meحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن