This isnt over

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A pounding sensation overcame me as I sit up. I groan loudly and clutch my head, falling back on the bed.

How much did I bloody drink?

My throat was dry and my entire body felt exhausted. Yep. Those symptoms sound like hangover to me.

I run my palm down my face and felt sick to my stomach. I stumble to my bathroom and puke the rest of my stomach up before leaning against the toilet lid and flushing.

I am never drinking again.

It takes all of my energy to get up and walk towards my sink. I splash my face with cold water and it helps me come back to life a little. I look back to the mirror and my eyes widen.

Wait a second! This isn't my bathroom!

All of a sudden last nights memories come rushing back causing me to clutch my head. I was suppose to go home with dreamy blue eyes but then Ryder stopped me.

Wait! Ryder?! Oh my god I hugged Ryder! Voluntarily?!

I rush out of the bathroom almost tripping and see a plain bedroom. One that did not look familiar to me.

I've been kidnapped!

I run towards the door and try to pull the knob but it wouldn't budge open.


I start to pound on the door. "Let me out! Let me out, you fuckers!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

Nothing. No sound, no footsteps. Nothing.

I walk around the room trying to see if there were any exits. I run towards the window and try to lift it open. Of course it was locked as well. I peer outside and see trees. Lots and lots of trees.

I also see that I'm probably on the bloody third floor! I'm in the middle of nowhere! I'm going to kill them! I pace around in the room and think how this cannot be happening to me.

"Not again" I whisper, "I'm not going through this again!"

I squeeze the material of the sweat pants and start to control my breathing.

Sweat pants!?

I look down and see a baggy shirt and nike sweat pants that were clearly way to big for me. They changed me!

My blood boils and I run up to the door and send a powerful kick. I watch it fall to the ground with a loud thump.

The door breaks down and I see five boys looking at me with shocked expressions. Adrenaline pumps through my veins and I attack. I catch Ryder off guard and send him flying down stairs. I punch James in the stomach causing him to crouch down, so I swiftly send one clean punch to his head, knocking him out.

I see Danny and Daniel try to grab me but I duck and knee Danny in the ribs and elbow Daniel in the face. They both fall down. I look around to see an amused Nathan. He puts his hands up in surrender before smirking, and gestures to the stairs.

I don't waste another second and look over the banister. I see an angry Ryder storming up the stairs who looked like he was about to murder someone. The groans behind me were getting louder and I look back to see the boys recovering from the shock and pain, getting up slowly.

Only one thing to do. I run a few steps back and charge towards the banister before jumping over it.


I keep on falling so I tuck my knees in and get ready for landing. I let my hands have brief impact with the cold white tiles before I roll to my feet. I look up and see the boys looking over the banister with their mouths wide open, horrified expressions on all their faces.

Bad Boys Kidnapped MeWhere stories live. Discover now