I Can Do It

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"It's not uncommon since Katrina herself is a triplet" Amy explains, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Triplets. Triplets? Triplets?! TRIPLETS?!

Oh my god. I think I'm going to pass out again.

I don't even want to look at Ryder. Does he look mad? Pissed?

I take a peek and my heart stops. His face was neutral but the corner of his lips were raised. He was smiling?! It was a small smile but it was there. He's smiling. He's actually smiling.


I jump in surprise when the whole gang rushes in with wide eyes and mouths agape. Chelsea grips Amy's arms and starts to shake her widely, "are you sure about this doc?! Are you telling me that three children will call me aunty Chelsea?"

I don't know who was more exited. Me or her.

"Sweetheart, why don't we let Amy go now" Dani says, pulling her away.

"Triplets Dani!" She exclaims, before grabbing his shoulders and pushing him back and forth.

My lips twitch in amusement and I lay my hand on belly. Triplets. I am carrying three lives.

"Can we know the genders?"

I snap my head towards Ryder who was looking at Amy blankly before I divert my attention to her also.

"Unfortunately no. You still got a couple months before you can find out."

"I'm not even showing" I say breathless.

"Well you were incredibly athletic before your pregnancy" Amy says, "and you have toxins in your body from the injections so it's quite hard to normalise your pregnancy."


"Chelsea get out!" I shout, getting annoyed.

"Triplets" she says to herself while being pushed out by Dani who was smiling at me sheepishly.

I roll my eyes and watch everyone leave, "Ill leave you two alone" Amy smiles, following the boys.

As the door shuts I twiddle with my fingers awkwardly. Its not suppose to be like this! Why does it have to be so awkward! We've been through so much together and we can't even be in the same room without it being tense!

"You look nice."

I meet his eyes and I try to fight back a blush. One compliment and I'm all hot and flustered. In my defence, it has been three months since he's even taken a second glance at me.

I cough, "thank you" before were met with an awkward silence again.

Even though my outfit was all crumpled and my makeup was probably smudged and my hair was a birds nest, he complimented me. I look at my nails and thank the heavens for manicures.

"I'm sorry."

He gets up and walks to the bed, "I'm sorry for how I've been acting these past months" he takes a seat on the bed next to me. "Ive just been stressed and-

"I know" i cut him off and place my palm on his cheek. He closes his eyes and leans into it, cupping his large hand over mine.

"Ive left you alone in this" he says, "but not anymore. Ill try to accept it." he places his other hand on my belly and my chest warms.


He was going to try. That's all I wanted in the first place. With his support, I know I can do this. I will fight for my family. No more running away. We have to work together to overcome this.

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